Cheers to generous donations
Administrator | Jan 18, 2011 | Comments 0
Jim Dunlop (left) stands in front of the “Kaitlin Cafe” with Bill Daniell, president of the Kaitlin Group, Kelvin Whalen, vice president of the Kaitlin Group, and Mayor Peter Mertens. The Kaitlin Group pledged $50,000 over the next 5 years towards the Wellington & District Community Centre.
Mayor Peter Mertens (left) and Jim Dunlop (right) stand with Veronica Norton and her father Ron Norton (centre) who pledged $15,000 over the next 5 years towards the Wellington & District Community Centre. Their donation will sponsor Meeting Room 1 located just inside the Essroc Arena entrance.
Dunlop states that “we’re there” in regards to the funds raised for the project. He will be making a formal announcement soon as to the exact amount raised.
Filed Under: cheers
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