Christmas basket draw raises funds for Loyalist Humane, Community Living
Administrator | Dec 28, 2016 | Comments 0
CHEERS! to customers and staff at Portabella who raised $2,100 in a Christmas basket draw to be shared between the Loyalist Humane Society and Community Living. Gail Moore of Picton. The gift basket, filled with local products valued at $400 was donated by Portabella Bistro. Gail Moore, of Picton, was the winner of this ninth annual draw. Pictured after drawing the winner’s name are Roy Pennell (Portabella), Fran Renoy (Loyalist Humane Society), Shannon Helm, (Portabella) and Don King (Portabella). CHEERS! also to server Shannon Helm, who sold all the tickets that raised the funds for the two organizations.
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