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Civic recognition for man who helped thwart ‘grandparent scam’ fraudsters

Recognizing efforts to prevent a senior from being further scammed, from left, were Mayor Steve Ferguson on behalf of council, Paul Marion, nominator Lea Shayuk and PEC OPP Community Safetry Officer Aaron Miller.

Paul Marion, a manager at the TD Bank in Picton, has been recognized for his efforts to prevent a senior from being scammed out of a large amount of money. A Civic Recognition Award presentation took place Wednesday morning by Mayor Steve Ferguson, on behalf of council, and the local OPP detachment.

On his own time, Paul gives seminars related to banking and how to avoid scams as part of an OPP-led initiative on scamming.

Late February this year, OPP received a report from a couple who advised falling victim to fraudsters through a ‘grandparent scam’ on the previous day. They lost $8,000 cash in an elaborate scam claiming a loved one was in trouble with law enforcement.

Later in the day, with the assistance of the East Region Community Street Crime Unit and OPP Canine Unit, officers intercepted two individuals who were attempting to further victimize the same couple requesting an additional $9,500.

Thanks to Marion, one person was able to thwart the fraudsters. When they attended the branch to attempt to withdraw $10,000 the employee started asking questions and suggested they think twice, directing them to the OPP for more information.

They called the OPP and subsequently, the two fraudsters were arrested while leaving the victim’s residence.

A 64-year-old from Montreal, and a 22-year-old from Saint-Leonard were charged with two counts each of fraud over $5,000.

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