Closing arguments in wpd industrial wind turbine case set for Jan 27
Administrator | Jan 16, 2017 | Comments 13
Closing arguments for the Environmental Review Tribunal over the White Pines 27-turbine industrial wind project are scheduled.
The Environmental Review Tribunal is scheduled to meet at the Wellington Community Centre Friday, Jan. 27th, its first public meeting since early last year, to hear closing arguments.
The final oral submissions of the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County and local resident John Hirsch, are to be heard, beginning at 10 a.m., and opponents of industrial wind turbines on Prince Edward County’s south shore are being encouraged to attend.
On Monday, April 4, 2016 White Pines Wind Inc (wpd) began clearing trees at sites for the 27-turbine project on the south shore of Prince Edward County. A motion to stay construction was granted, in part. The Environmental Review Tribunal ordered that vegetation clearing and site preparation activities associated with the project in areas identified as Blanding’s turtle spring foraging habitat in the Stantec Species at Risk Report of 2012 are stayed pending the resolution of appeals.
Filed Under: Local News
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Given the precedent on the next door Ostrander Point proposal being shutdown it should carry over as the impacts are almost identical.
Chuck only a few have declared unwilling hosts certainly not everyone
You could probably view it that way if you were looking forward to a contract with WPD. At any rate Prince Edward has declared that we are unwilling hosts.
Turtles are pawns.
You have to watch your sources. There is a lot of deliberate, oil-industry funded lies about low-carbon power.
Wikipedia referencing IPOC:
“Compared with other low carbon power sources, wind turbines have some of the lowest global warming potential per unit of electrical energy generated.[2] According to the IPCC, in assessments of the life-cycle global warming potential of energy sources, wind turbines have a median value of between 12 and 11 (gCO2eq/kWh) depending on whether off- or onshore turbines are being assessed.[3][4]”
And the carbon debris of Industrial Wind Turbines from construction to demolition equals what in assisting? Foolish science that is being dropped all over the world.
2016 is now officially the hottest year on record, for the third year running. Are we just blowing hot air about turtles?
Go Turtle Go!!
Guess wpd will have to win without us. Our Emydoidea blandingii club has organized a horn run for the boys noon friday with refreshments. Have to pass on your meeting fellers.
Now let’s not forget , over 90% voted against !!!
Keep up the great work CCSAGE. And Thank-You .
Supporters of wind turbines on Prince Edward County’s south shore are also being encouraged to attend.
i agree hockeyman
May white pines win