Collecting tales of towns
Administrator | Aug 03, 2015 | Comments 0
Fixt Point theatre, on their nation-wide Tale of A Town Canada journey, will share stories they have learned from Prince Edward County residents Saturday, Aug. 8 at the Picton Town Hall, at 1:30 p.m.
The Tale of a Town – Canada is a nationwide theatre and media initiative aiming to capture the collective community memory of Canada’s main streets, one story at a time.
Their “Storymobile” travel trailer-turned-mobile recording studio has been visiting small towns and big cities, collecting oral histories through interviews with independent business owners, local heroes, community stakeholders and neighbourhood residents. This national venture is to culminate in a multi-platform celebration of the country’s main street culture, in commemoration of Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017.
The local stories will be digitally mapped and added to The Tale of a Town’s storyportal ( The stories are also to become part of a podcast about Prince Edward County that will be distributed through The Walrus Magazine online and made available to 99.3CountyFM.
Contact the box office to reserve your spot at the celebration! Spots are limited! or 613-476-1991.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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