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Community a Life Saver helping County’s hospital raise equipment funds

Community support came running in from PEC Marathon participants this year. The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation was the grateful recipient of $1,433.43 from last fall’s County Marathon. The funds were raised by runners pledging to the Foundation during the 2016 race. From left, Tracy Young-Powers, race co-ordinator for the County Marathon, Briar Boyce, communications co-ordinator with the PECMH Foundation, Christine Henden, long-time volunteer with the County Marathon and Penny Rolinski, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. Jackie Rea photo

A big-hearted Prince Edward County community raised $201,000 to purchase several pieces of medical equipment for Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital and marked the successful end of the LIFE SAVER II Campaign.

The PECMH Foundation Board of Directors board set its $201,000 goal last April. The funds go toward the purchase of replacement colonoscopes and gastroscopes and updated equipment for the pharmacy department to aid in dispensing medications.

Foundation Chair Monica Alyea thanked the community for supporting Prince Edward County Memorial as a vibrant community hospital.

“Your donations mean County residents and patients continue to have access to state-of-the-art medical equipment,” she said.

The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary championed the campaign along with the Stark Family Fund and Irena Barker of Belleville (formerly of Picton).

Heartfelt thanks are given to than 1,100 individual donors, monthly donors, service clubs and businesses in support of the campaign.

Supporting events included RE/MAX’s second annual ‘Teeing Up Fore Health Care’ golf classic, the Sugar Shack Shindig at Walt’s Sugar Shack and the 9th annual Bake Off Challenge at the Picton Fair.

“I am thrilled with the commitment the County has shown,” said Penny Rolinski, executive director with the PECMH Foundation. “The government does not pay for medical equipment so this support is vital.”

As one phase closes, another opens as the Foundation prepares for its Picture of Health campaign to help medical staff at PECMH continue their quest for update equipment that will enhance care for patients.

Picture of Health focuses on securing medical equipment for most of the departments at the County’s hospital, at a cost of $230,000.

Efforts will centre on replacing one colonoscope and two gastroscopes for the Endoscopy Department as well as fundraising for a new picture archiving system.

“PECMH is a low-risk endoscopic centre and replacement scopes are needed to keep this service efficient and of high quality,” said Rolinski. “The Emergency Department requires a monitor upgrade to the telemetry (heart monitoring) unit and a defibrillator is needed for the inpatient unit.”

Already on-board to pledge support for the Picture of Health campaign are the third annual Teeing Up Fore Health Care golf classic on June 13 and the Uncork Canada wine tasting June 17 at the Crystal Palace.

“The response from the community for the LIFE SAVER Campaign has been overwhelming and we expect this drive to be even more remarkable,” said Alyea. “The purpose of the Foundation is to improve the quality of patient care in our community by raising money for the priority equipment at our hospital. The Foundation plays a critical role in providing funding for essential, specialized equipment. Your dollars go a long way toward improving care for residents in our community who need treatment, close to home. Thank you to those who continue to support our fundraising. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in the care you and your family receive.”

The Foundation is also still fundraising for the Re-Imagine Campaign to refurbish the regional MRI at Belleville hospital. To-date $101,882 of the $170,000 goal has been raised.

The Foundation is also still fundraising for the Re-Imagine Campaign to refurbish the regional MRI at Belleville hospital. To-date $101,882 of the $170,000 goal has been raised.

The MRI is being upgraded now and is expected to be back in service April 22. This campaign is a joint effort between the BGH Foundation, the TMH Foundation and the North Hastings Fund Development Committee. The total cost of the refurbishment is more than $1 million.

Click here to visit the PECMH Foundation’s website, for more information, and to make donations. Or call 613-476-1008 ext. 4425.

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