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Community Care ramps up programming to get seniors moving

Responding to requests for more fitness classes, Community Care for Seniors has announced the ramping up of offerings to five days a week.

“We’ve been working hard to expand our active living programming to reach more people,” said Debbie MacDonald Moynes, Executive Director.

Virtual classes and socials are now available mornings at 10:30 a.m. and afternoons at 2 p.m. with a sprinkling of other events added in at different times. Some of the morning fitness titles include “Pilates”, “Gentle Moves”, “Chair Yoga”, “Natural Movement for Seniors” and “Mildly Spicy Moves!”

The afternoon activities and socials include “Social with a Smile”, “Painting for Beginners – Owl in the Wild”, “Leaf Art Linens”, and socials with musical guests and trivia. All classes and socials are offered online, and require participants to have a computer with internet availability.

“These daily classes and socials are new, starting in October,” said MacDonald Moynes. Since early April weekly webinars have been on the schedule each Thursday afternoon and telephone chats so that those without internet can join in are on Fridays.

Comments from participants are very positive, she said and noted comments about the classes include: “Are very helpful and informative. I hope to see more of them in the future.” “I find the Zoom webinars very interesting and informative.” “I have particularly enjoyed content that features local people and points of interest.”

One comment, she says, sums up the programming nicely: “I really enjoy and appreciate all that Community Care has done to keep us entertained, connected and informed during this pandemic. Zoom and chat have kept us busy with fun things like bingo and informative webinars galore. I look forward to what’s coming next! Thanks so much to all who have provided this service.”

Prince Edward County Fire & Rescue has provided prizes for the bingo games.

The October webinar topics and activities include Playing Card BINGO; “Frauds, Scams & Winter Driving Tips” with OPP Constable Aaron Miller; “Seniors Health” with Bernadette Hymus, Hastings & Prince Edward Public Health Nurse; “Bats – Myth and Mayhem” with naturalist Terry Sprague; and “Climate Change” with Brad McNevin from Quinte Conservation.

October telephone group chat topics include a “Phone Fitness Break” with Wendy Chapman; “Canadian Hearing Services” with Alana DeVille; and “Bats–A Halloween Myth?” with naturalist Terry Sprague.

Prince Edward Community Care offers all of these webinars and chats free of charge to seniors 60+. The active living programs are usually offered to those who have a $25/year membership but during COVID-19 the membership fee is waived and participation is also free of charge.

The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association also offers services such as hot and frozen Meals on Wheels, foot care, grocery pick up and delivery, help with forms (including income tax), respite, home maintenance, light housekeeping, rural route reassurance and telephone reassurance programs. The agency is partly funded by the Ministry of Health and supported by donations and community fundraising efforts, such as Community Care’s Thrift Shop at 153 Main Street. The Community Care office is located at 74 King Street in Picton and is open by appointment only.

For more information or to participate, call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493, email . Seniors are directed to the Community Care website to see the new program calendar for dates and detailed information.


Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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