Community invited to join initiative to protect County’s south shore
Administrator | Mar 22, 2018 | Comments 2

– SSJI photo by Peter Fuller from along PEC’s South Shore
County residents and supporters of the protection for public lands and off-shore waters along South Shore are invited to the inaugural meeting of the new South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) Saturday in Bloomfield.
The SSJI received support of County council earlier this month in the passing of a motion supporting the group’s goals and objectives to protect the Prince Edward County south shore Important Bird Area (IBA) and to maintain, or increase, the biodiversity of its terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
“Support of the municipality is key to the initiative and we are very pleased that the motion passed,” said John Hirsch, SSJI board member.
“It is vital that we have a large SSJI membership from the County to show governments (local, provincial and federal) that we are united in our determination to achieve protection for the south shore,” he added.
To that end, the inaugural members meeting of SSJI will be held Saturday, March 24 at 2 pm in the Bloomfield Town Hall. There will be a brief presentation about the group, the importance of the south shore and the actions taken so far. A Board of Directors will be elected and there will be celebratory treats and coffee served. Memberships will be available for $10 per individual or $20 per family.
Hirschsaid the SSJI is bringing attention to the need for protection of the south shore because of the area’s uniqueness – not only in biodiversity, but also because there are so few undeveloped areas along the north shore of Lake Ontario
The initial goal is to achieve permanent protection for two of the public areas: Ostrander Point Crown Land Block and Point Petre Provincial Wildlife Area.
“Protecting these areas will protect County citizens’ traditional use of the public areas and also create a potential eco-tourism hub adding one more reason for Prince Edward County’s attractiveness to visitors.”
Protection of the two public pieces of land and the surrounding waters will help reach ‘Target One’ of Canada’s 2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets which is a commitment to protect 17 per cent of land areas and 10 per cent of inland waters.
Everybody is invited to Saturday’s meeting. For those who would like to support the group, but are unable to attend, visit SSIJ online at
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Good work Cheryl ! Thanks.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Bloomfield Town Hall this afternoon. SSJI has been truly launched. Our united voices will let governments know that our south shore deserves protection. Thank you to Countylive for supporting SSJI.