Community support buys bladder scanner for Picton hospital
Administrator | Aug 12, 2013 | Comments 0
The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation, in partnership with the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, recently shared in the purchase of a bladder scanner for the emergency department and inpatient unit at Picton hospital.
The small, portable device measures the amount of urine in the bladder where a general ultrasound machine cannot define. Studies demonste bladder scanners can help reduce risks of infection. It will assist staff in the decision making of whether an insertion of a catheter is necessary.
“The Foundation and Auxiliary have always enjoyed the trust, support and generosity of this community,” said Leo Finnegan, president of the Foundation. “Continued financial support is paramount to the updating of medical equipment at Picton hospital. Our job is to support the medical staff at the hospital by raising donations to pay for the equipment and facilities needed to provide a range of health care services to County residents.”
The Foundation and Auxiliary consist of community volunteers committed to keeping Picton hospital functioning properly by satisfying the equipment needs.
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