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Cool carnival fun in Milford

milford-cold-water-skills-1Watched from the Milford Millpond Bridge, Prince Edward County firefighters demonstrated what it’s like to rescue and be rescued as they demonstrated ice and water skills and techniques Saturday.

milford-cold-water-rescue-2The firefighters wore their Ice Commander water-entry suits and demonstrated their training for rescues on ice, snow and in freezing water. They also train for water rescue in the summer when the waves are pounding the shoreline.

They study safety techniques, hand signals and how to use the specialized equipment as they must work quickly, as a team.


The demonstration was among the activities of this weekend’s Milford Winter Carnival. The fun began Friday night with bingo games and started early Saturday with a pancake breakfast.

Councillor Steve Ferguson was the pancake chef in charge with some help from Mayor Robert Quaiff and many volunteers.

“The event couldn’t have happened, or been as successful as it was, without the help of Sam Lanfranco, Valencia Logan, Rev. Canon David Smith, Mary Malone, Catherine Reilly, Philip Knox, Monica Alyea and Mayor Quaiff who rose to the challenge of cooking dozens (and dozens) of pancakes,” said Ferguson. “Penny Rolinski, Executive Director of the Foundation, also proved herself very capable in the kitchen where she was pressed into service.”

Ferguson also thanked the local people and retailes who made donations to the breakfast including Wilbur and Alice Miller for the real maple syrup, Sobeys, Metro, No Frills and the County Farm Store.

About 150 were served breakfast and many, Ferguson noted, topped up the $7 to include donations to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation. At the end of the event, any extra food and supplies were forwarded to the food bank and to the local church for its coming Shrove Tuesday event.


Free hot dogs and hot chocolate were served from the food booth at the fairgrounds while children’s games were held inside and outside of the giant igloo.


To wrap up the weekend, entertainment filled the igloo with stories by Janet Kellough and musical entertainment.


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