Council Adopts New Secondary Plan for Wellington
Administrator | Dec 27, 2013 | Comments 0
Prince Edward County Council has adopted a new Secondary Plan for Wellington, with an aim to guide its growth and development.
“This decision marks the successful completion of an intense planning process that brought together many different interest groups to create a sustainable vision and development blueprint for the municipality’s second largest urban centre,” said Mayor Peter Mertens.
The County notes in a statement that the new Wellington Secondary Plan provides a greater level of detail than the County-wide Official Plan.
“With its focus on the economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions within Wellington, the new Plan is able to address specific local needs that shape the village, including: housing and other land uses, employment, community services and facilities, village design, water and wastewater, roads, parks, recreation, heritage conservation, and the natural environment. This broad scope and depth make the Secondary Plan particularly useful for building a strong community.”
“The new plan will be an invaluable tool for decision-making well into the future,” said Mertens. “It provides down-to-earth guidance for everyone who wishes to contribute to the quality of place that makes Wellington so appealing to long-time residents, newcomers and visitors.”
The adopted Secondary Plan will now go to the Province for final approval. In 2014 it will be followed by new Secondary Plans for Picton and Rossmore, and a new Official Plan for Prince Edward County.
Detailed information on the Secondary Plan for Wellington is available online:
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