Council asked to top up funds for water tower repairs
Administrator | Aug 29, 2019 | Comments 1
Council will be asked to top up funds from reserves to complete upgrades at the Bloomfield and Consecon water towers.
Funds have been set aside for upgrades in the capital budget, but all tenders submitted in July were over budget.
“As a result, staff removed an item from the contract that while beneficial, would not pose a safety risk if not completed,” stated Garrett Osborne, project manager, in a staff report to council’s Committee of the Whole Thursday.
Staff recommends Jacques Daoust Coatings Management be awarded the $559,200 contract and that the increase of $30,909 be approved from the Water Capital Reserve Fund.
In 2016, Landmark Municipal Services completed an inspection of the coating and lining of the two towers, ladders and tank components and identified repairs or upgrades as urgent, strongly recommended, or other.
Staff plans to put forward a budget request for 2021 to address any lower priority concerns not able to be met within budget.
The request for tender spoke to upgrades for Bloomfield and Consecon’s tank exterior over-coat; interior liner repairs or replacement, safety and metal upgrades to be completed no later than July 2020.
Filed Under: Local News
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When do we get some Senior Staff hired to review these type issues? Presently we have no senior staff, either fired or are leaving. I suspect recruitment is a major problem.