Council awards several tenders for road work
Administrator | Jul 23, 2017 | Comments 0
UPDATE JULY 25: Following comments from Parkside Landscaping and Construction, and discussion, councillors voted to replace the company’s lowest bid for County Road 28 bridge replacement, noting it saved taxpayers more than $100,000 and as a bonus, supported a local company.
Parkside’s contract at the price was $523,694 plus applicable taxes.
Cruickshank Construction’s bid had been recommended by G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. on the basis that some reference projects provided by Parkside did not show sufficient
evidence of their experience on a project of similar scope or complexity to the
proposed project. Parkside had submitted a letter to the County providing additional project experience and references.
JULY 23: Several road work contracts will land before council Tuesday night for approval of tenders.
Council will review several reports seeking approval from the Engineering, Development and Works Commission including an awarding of a contract for condition assessment and rehabilitation options for Highway 49 – winner of the CAA’s Worst Road in Ontario contest last year. Staff is recommending the contract be awarded to Associated Engineering (Ontario) Ltd. in the amount of $77,625.00, plus applicable HST.
Earlier this year the Ministry of Transportation suggested the County prepare a technical assessment to support future provincial and federal funding applications. While a condition assessment was planned for 2018, completion this year would allow taking advantage of potential funding opportunities.
The County Road 28 Bridge Replacement contract is proposed to be awarded to Cruickshank Construction Ltd. in the amount of $640,642.30 plus applicable HST. (Councillors approved lowest bidder Parkside Landscaping and Construction. See above)
The Danforth Road Rehabilition contract be awarded to Coco Paving Inc. in the amount of $1,521,502.30 plus HST.
The Wilson Road Rehabilitation contract be awarded to Cooney Excavating Ltd. in the amount of $874,404.01 plus HST.
The Lucks Crossroad Rehabilitation contract be awarded to Drew Harrison Haulage Ltd. in the amount of $387,752.76 plus HST.
The Paul Street Watermain Rehabilitation project is recommended to be awarded to Drew Harrison Haulage Ltd. in the amount of $ 205,554.35 plus HST.
As well, the Picton Parking Pay Stations contract is proposed to be awarded to J.J. MacKay Canada being the lowest overall qualified tendered bid in the amount of $136,200.90 plus applicable HST.
Also, the 2017 and 2018 Bio-solids Disposal Contract based on a request for proposal be awarded to Terratec Enviromental at the estimated amount of $95,200 plus HST per year.
Filed Under: Local News
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