County allowing one free garbage bag curbside
Administrator | Mar 26, 2020 | Comments 0
County residents can put out one untagged bag of garbage per week beginning Friday, March 27. The change to curbside collection will remain in effect until May 1, at which time it will be reassessed.
The measure is intended to help individuals and families who are self-isolating to dispose of their garbage safely, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additional garbage bag tags can be purchased by mail with a cheque payable to The County of Prince Edward at Shire Hall, 332 Picton Main Street, Picton ON, KOK 2T0. Bag tags can be also purchased at select locations still open and still selling tags.
Landfills and transfer sites remain open at this time to support the disposal of essential trips only, to limit traffic at the sites and ensure social distancing.
The municipality asks that people observe safe waste disposal practices
– Do NOT place used tissues and napkins in the green bin. These items often become wind-blown when the collector opens the lid or when emptying the bin into the truck.
– Place used tissues and napkins in the garbage. Wash your hands afterwards.
– Use liners for food waste placed in the green bin.
– Bag all waste. Do not place waste loosely in garbage containers.
– If you’re sick or self-isolating for 14 days, place ANY item that has come into contact with your mouth, nose, or eyes into the garbage – even items that you normally place into your blue box (water/beverage bottles, pop cans, milk/juice cartons, etc.).
Clean recycling reminder
Residents are reminded that only clean, recyclable materials are accepted in the blue box program. If any of the following items are in your blue box, it will NOT be collected:
– Kleenex
Sanitary wipes (i.e. baby wipes, alcohol wipes)
Medical waste of any kind (sharps, gloves, face mask, medication)
Food waste
While these items are never accepted in the blue box program, this policy is being strictly enforced given the pandemic. Please use due diligence when placing items in your waste bin, green bin, or recycling blue box.
Recycling during self-isolation
In response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, some residents may be self-isolating for 14 days due to recent travel or potentially being exposed to COVID-19.
During this 14-day isolation period, to ensure the health and safety of collections and sort line staff, Quinte Waste Solutions is asking that residents either store recyclables until the isolation period has ended (preferred) or carefully place all material into garbage bags and use their regular garbage collection day for disposal.
Up-to-date information on the County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is posted on the County website:
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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