County citizens “caught” being Winter Active
Administrator | Jan 27, 2014 | Comments 0

Lindsay Stokes was “caught” enjoying winter at the Picton docks and was rewarded with a scarf from committee member Bev Campbell.
Curling Club members showed visitors how the game is played during a demonstration Saturday, on Picton Bay. The event was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of curling in the County and the 50th anniversary of the club.
Picton Recreation committee members who “caught” County residents being active outdoors rewarded them with scarves and gift cares for warm drinks.
Member Bev Campbell said the committee members were all over Picton and area Saturday and Sunday to “catch” people enjoying the great outdoors during the first ‘Winter Active Weekend’. The campaign to celebrate active citizens replaces the annual winter carnival event.
“Given the cold weather, I think our first weekend went great,” said member Debbie Rankin. “There were lots of people out enjoying a Canadian winter.”

Vicky Sutherland, right, presented David and Alice Braidford with Picton Recreation ‘Winter Active’ scarves.
David and Alice Braidford were “caught” feeding the geese and ducks at Glenwood Cemetery.
The Adolphustown couple has been travelling across the ferry to Glenwood almost every day for the past few years to feed the Chinese geese in the pond.
“These geese cannot fly, so have relied on kindness and generosity to stay alive over the winters. Ducks have now joined in for the feedings, notes Lori Mason, of the Picton Recreation Committee, so more food, either seed or bread, is welcome. The pond is at the entrance to the cemetery.
County residents were also “caught” being winter active tobogganing at Delhi Park, curling, snow shoeing, walking the family dog and the Canadian favourite – snow shovelling.
The next Winter Active dates are set for Feb. 22-23 and March 15-16.
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