County Clippers awards honour players, coaches and volunteers
Administrator | May 31, 2016 | Comments 0
Players, coaches and volunteers with the County Clippers rep basketball program were honoured at an awards banquet this week in Wellington.
The rep program offers opportunities over the house league play, with a focus on skill and team development. Teams play six to 10 exhibition games against other O.B.A affiliated clubs in the area and play in three or four tournaments.
The County Clippers Coach of the Year Award was presented to Caleb Hugh and Claire Davies – U14 Boys
The County Clippers Volunteer of the Year Award went to Caitlyn and Rob Garden.
U12 GIRLS awards:
Coaches: Holly Morton
Dedicated: Lauren Smith
Defensive: Leah Gallagher
MVP: Vanessa (Willy) Wilton
U14 GIRLS awards:
MVP: Hannah Goad
MDP: Madalynn Snider
Defensive player: Sydney Davies
Coaches award: Myla DeBoef
U14 BOYS awards:
Coaches Award: Tristan Lavender
Most Dedicated: Thomas Davis
Defensive Award: Logan Stark
MVP: Ghaffar Mehmood
U16 BOYS awards:
MDP: Ben Wells
Defensive Player: Trevor Miller
Coaches Award: Dylan Morrow
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