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County community stepping up to assist injured farmer

Lynn Leavitt on the family’s East Lake farm

County farmers, friends and supporters are rallying to help a local farmer who was seriously injured in a farm accident late February.

While tending to live stock East Lake Road beef producer Lynn Leavitt was trampled and suffered multiple injuries.

Jessica Gibeau immediately launched a Gofundme campaign and as of Sunday, the community has raised just over half of its $10,000 goal.

“Lynn is a lone farmer who does it all,” she said. “He is always there to help anyone in need when a crisis arises. This time he needs your help during his crisis. A helping hand will need to be hired and there will be medical costs that need to be covered. Medications, a knee brace and therapy afterwards.”

A Facebook auction has also been launched with donations from businesses and individuals to help raise funds. Bidding open now, and closes Sunday, March 15.

Sue Leavitt, in an update to supporters, said she and Lynn were humbled and grateful for all the offers of help, the phone calls, texts and visits.

“You don’t know how much this has helped Lynn get through the last few days,” she said Saturday. “Lynn had a very severe break. When they operated, they found that the bone had been smashed. The doctor said it was like ‘kibble and bits’ inside the knee area; they’ve never seen anything like this before.”

She reports Lynn used his walker Saturday and Sunday will learn how to use crutches.

“He didn’t travel very far, but it’s a start to his recovery,” she said. “He still has a long road ahead of him. Please keep him in your prayers.”

Their son has taken a leave of absence from his work to help on the family farm which is known for its ‘East Lake’ brand of beef available at local stores and restaurants. The family also regularly donates beef to the local food bank. Area farmers are also stepping in wherever they can to help the family.

A drop off donation jar is also located at the County Farm Centre.

Visit or ‘County Farmer Lynn Leavitt needs your help’ page on Facebook, to help out online.

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