County residents honoured at Loyalist’s awards ceremony
Administrator | Nov 18, 2013 | Comments 0
Loyalist College has presented 279 awards valued at more than $148,000 during the Annual Undergraduate Awards Ceremony last week. 244 Loyalist students.
Second-year Radio Broadcasting student Benjamin McLean was the recipient of the UCB Canada Award, the Suzanne Meloche Memorial Scholarship and a Hardisty Scholarship.
“As I drove to Loyalist from Kingston, I was thinking about the responsibilities I have as a mature student – family, studies and work,” said Ben. “And then at the awards ceremony, I realized that my life is going really well. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to have found a program that combines all of my favourite things and lets me do them every day. I’m proud to be recognized with these three awards.”
“Receiving financial assistance makes a significant difference for many students, helping to set them up for success now and in the future when they graduate,” said Maureen Piercy, Loyalist College President. “We want to say ‘thank you’ to the many donors who have made this evening possible.”
The Loyalist College Foundation provided more than $107,000 of the total, including five new bursaries. The remaining amount is donated by individuals, businesses, and community organizations, with eight new bursaries this year.
“It’s wonderful to see how the awards program has grown year-over-year,” said Tamara Kleinschmidt, Chair of the Loyalist College Board of Governors. “Many of the awards are provided through the College Foundation endowment – an investment which provides important support for Loyalist students today and in the future. I would like to recognize the work of the College Foundation Board, whose members play an important role in this driving this support.”
Prince Edward County students honoured were Brittany Nieman, Daniel Mountenay, Jodie Wells, Kassandra Robinson, Katie Norris and Mason Gignac.

Brittany Nieman (left), first-year Social Service Worker student, was presented a Stark Family Fund Bursary by Tamara Kleinschmidt, Chair, Loyalist College Board of Governors. Brittany is a PECI graduate.

Daniel Mountenay, first-year Accounting student, was presented the Peter F. Huff Memorial Bursary by Susan Scarborough, Vice-Chair, Loyalist College Foundation. Daniel is from Wellington.

Jodie Wells (left), first-year Esthetics and Spa Management student, was presented a Loyalist College Dual Credit Bursary at the annual Loyalist College Undergraduate Awards. Presenting the bursary was Loyalist College Vice-President Academic, John McMahon. Jodie is a PECI graduate.

Kassandra Robinson (left), second-year Practical Nursing student and a graduate of PECI, was presented the Deb McCaw Memorial Bursary by Janet Twiddy. Kassandra was also the recipient of the Stark Family Fund Bursary.

Katie Norris (left), second-year Early Childhood Education student, was presented the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario Award, by Professor Jennifer DeGroot. Katie is a PECI graduate.

Mason Gignac (left), first-year Electrical Technician – Industrial student, was presented a Loyalist College Dual Credit Bursary by Loyalist College Vice-President Academic, John McMahon. Mason is a PECI graduate.
A number of new awards were presented to students for the first time, including:
Bill Hunt Award to Solana Cain, second-year Photojournalism
College Council Distinction Award to Barry Doyle, second-year Civil Engineering Technician, Karin Johansen, third-year Business Accounting, Kayla Lahey, second-year Esthetics and Spa Management and Danielle Sanderson, second-year Biotechnology Technician
Dame Sylvia Burkinshaw Memorial Bursary (sponsored by St. John Ambulance) to Sarah Paton, second-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Edward J. Buckley Memorial Bursary to Erica Barlow, Personal Support Worker, Jannette Cox, Social Service Worker, Avril Hudson, Social Service Worker and Alicia Roy, Business Accounting
Esthetics and Spa Management Bursary to Megan Durrant, second-year Esthetics and Spa Management
Freedom 55 Financial Award to Sarah Hubble, second-year Business Sales and Marketing, and Clara Quinn, second-year Business
Greg Shepherd Memorial Award to Meaghan Doucette, second-year Developmental Services Worker
James E. Marker Bursary to Nicole Bragg, second-year Motive Power Technician and Raychel Weese, Practical Nursing
Jean McCracken Memorial Award was presented to Charlotte Miller, second-year Early Childhood Education
Kirk and Norman Lightfoot Memorial Bursary to Nicole Couvrette, second-year Civil Engineering Technician
Marilyn Hayes Helping Hand Bursary to Liam McGuire, Sports Journalism
Northumberland Road Builders Association Bursary was presented to Tamara Keyes, first-year Environmental Technician
OACETT/Northumberland Road Builders Association Bursary to Katrine Dussault, third-year Architectural Technology
Thomas J. Hayes Memorial Helping Hand Bursary to Daniel Wright, Sports Journalism post-grad
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