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County suspends short-term accommodation inspections

Effective immediately, the County is temporarily suspending the inspection of short-term accommodations (STAs) to protect staff, residents and businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“STA applications will continue to be processed and, where accommodations qualify, a conditional licence will be granted. Inspections will be scheduled for a later date,” a municipal press release stated today.

“STA owners seeking a licence should refrain from visiting municipal offices until further notice and send documents and correspondence electronically to”

Those with questions, or require further information regarding short term accommodations licensing, are to call 613.476.2148 extension 2050, 613.962.9108 extension 2050, or email

The County will continue other building inspections – limited to vacant or unoccupied buildings. Building inspectors will not enter occupied sites, dwellings, or buildings. For inquiries related to Building Permits, Contact 613-476-2148 ext. 2040 or

Fire safety inspections will continue on a case-by-case basis to ensure the safety and protection of the inspectors and the public. Should you have an immediate need for a fire inspection, please call 613.476.2345 to make arrangements.

To stay up-to-date on the municipality’s response to COVID-19 outbreak, visit the County website:

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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  1. L.A. Austin says:

    I totally get and fully support the decision to cut back to protect staff and residents at this time. In the meantime I sincerely hope Council doesn’t drop the ball and isn’t contemplating issuing even one more STA licence for the general area around us, basically the area bordered by Johnson, Main St E, Spencer and Hill Streets. We are already more than saturated. The existing STA’s and the houses that have been purchased in hopes of turning them into yet more STA’s have resulted in the very sad loss of our former neighbourhood where we all knew each other at least by sight. We see more and more strangers’ faces, changing weekly, throughout the rental season than true neighbours now. Enough! I’m sure there are other areas who have the same saturation and feel the same.

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