County to fly Ukrainian flag at least until end of council’s term
Administrator | Apr 26, 2022 | Comments 1
UPDATE APRIL 26: Prince Edward County council agreed Tuesday to keep the Ukrainian flag flying above Shire Hall until the end of term of council, Nov. 14, 2022.
It updated its resolution sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) so the organization can present it at their national conference in June, which Mayor Steve Ferguson noted, might encourage more support from municipalities across the nation to join others advocating for strong Canadian support for the International Criminal Court’s decision to investigate alleged war crimes against humanity by the Russians in Ukraine and that similar charges by pursued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague..
MARCH 9: Prince Edward County will raise the Ukrainian flag at Shire Hall and make a donation to the Red Cross in a show of support for the country under attack from Russia since Feb. 24.
Mayor Steve Ferguson, noting a visit here by Ukrainian municipal leaders in 2019 to exchange information and ideas about communities and governments, brought a resolution of support at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
“It is staggering how quickly the situation in Ukraine is evolving,” said Ferguson, adding, on International Women’s Day that thousands of women have fled with their children and left loved ones behind.
More than two million Ukrainians have fled the country.
“Ukraine is facing an unprecedented and unjustified attack on their sovereignty and way of life,” said Ferguson.
“Prince Edward County stands with other communities around the world, and all the people of Ukraine during this deeply troubling time. We support the rights of Ukrainian people to live in a peaceful, prosperous and sovereign country,” states the resolution. It is to be sent to the Ukrainian Embassy in Ottawa, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities of Ontario and the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus.
Councillor Bill Roberts received support for his motion for council to donate $5,000 to be matched by Canada’s matching fund (up to $10 million). Roberts also gained support for a clause requesting that the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) immediately advocate for strong Canadian support for the International Criminal Court’s decision to investigate alleged war crimes against humanity by the Russians in Ukraine and that similar charges by pursued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Council also urged the federal and provincial government to work with various agencies to expedite the resettlement of refugees and streamline the immigration process.
Mayor Ferguson added the resolution should request other Ontario member municipalities of the AMO to also make donations.

In July 2019, the municipality welcomed a delegation of elected Ukrainian officials to Prince Edward County as part of Ukraine: Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance. The program, implemented by FCM and financed by Global Affairs Canada, worked to strengthen local governments and create a better future for communities in Ukraine.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
Both my parents escaped to Canada after WW2.
Hard to believe Ukrainians are escaping a war zone again.
I thank Mayor Ferguson and Councillors for showing support at this time.