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Council asks province for a moratorium on wind turbines

Viewpoint by Gary Mooney
Concerned Citizens of Prince Edward County

Council turns the switch from passive to active in dealing with wind turbine issues.

On February 8, 2011, Council took a major step forward in addressing County residents’ concerns about uncontrolled wind energy development here.  By a vote of 9 to 6, it approved a motion made by Councillor Quaiff and seconded by Councillor Lunn requesting that the province:

  • Impose a moratorium on wind energy development pending proper studies of the potential effects on human health, property values and the environment; and
  • Return to municipalities some planning control on the siting of wind turbines.

Councillors voting for the motion made particular mention of health concerns, referencing the Ian Hanna lawsuit, and unwillingness to accept total control by the province regarding local planning issues.

Councillors opposed to the motion expressed a need for more education and/or a desire for more public input.  But other Councillors pointed out the ample opportunities to obtain both over the past several years.

The nine voting in favour of the motion were: Councillors H. Campbell, Dunlop, Gale, Lunn, Maynard, Nowitski, Quaiff, Shortt and Mayor Mertens.  The six opposed were: B. Campbell, Forrester, Marisett, O’Brien, Proctor and Turpin.  Councillor MacDonald did not vote due to a conflict of interest.

During the previous Council term, motions addressing concerns about wind energy development were typically rejected by a vote of 3 to 11.  From last night’s vote of 9 to 6, it can be inferred that County electors replaced previous Councillors who were unconcerned about the impact of wind energy development here with new Councillors who are prepared to take action to manage the situation.

Last night’s vote sends a message to both the provincial government and wind energy developers that Council will now be active, not passive, in dealing with wind turbine issues here in the County.

Gary Mooney, RR 2 Consecon

Filed Under: Local News


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  1. Doris Lane says:

    It was with great amusement that I read the remarks of a couple of councillors that we needed more public input. We have had numerous meetings citing the pros and cons of IWT’s and there is no need for any more. Kudos to Kevin Gale for saying we do not have to keep “beating a dead horse” enough is enough. Now the council has taken a positive stand. If our Council does not stand up for our County who will.
    Thank you council for this vote at his crucial time.

  2. Lori Cairns says:

    A big thank-you to the eight councillors and our mayor who voted for this motion and for the health of the citizens of the county.

    To the councillors of Picton who voted against the motion, we will remember this.

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