Couple delighted to win Casson print, in support of Alzheimer Society
Administrator | May 13, 2013 | Comments 0
Sam and Ila Hunt receive their signed and numbered A.J. Casson print from Jon Leavens, president of the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County.
The couple was surprised and pleased to have won the draw, which helped raise funds for the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County.
The society uses its funds for a variety of programs and services in the County. Caregivers and their partners are welcomed to the 90 King St., Picton offices on the second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm. Couples who face challenges inherent in living with dementia can share common concerns in a safe, understanding environment. Always a learning experience for all involved.
A caregivers support group meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. These sessions are for caregivers of people experiencing dementia. The focus of the group is on the challenges, experiences and solutions of looking after someone living with dementia. The latest progress in research and the literature are also discussed.
Educational aids and literature are also available. Call 613 476 2085 for details, or more information.
Click here to learn more about programs and services available.
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