DARE and Relay for Life on receiving block at Kinsmen Charity Auction
Administrator | Apr 16, 2013 | Comments 0

Auctioneer Gerald Koopmans helped the Picton Kinsmen raise thousands of dollars at their third annual charity auction.
Friends and fans of Picton Kinsmen helped the members raise thousands of dollars at the club’s third annual charity auction.
Saturday night’s fundraising event at the Prince Edward Community Centre featured raffles, silent auctions and a live auction by Gerald Koopmans.
While guests outbid each other on everything from an oak double bed frame and an electronic piano to funky boots, wine, clothing, tools, gift certificates and adventures, the Kinsmen made presentations of financial support to DARE and the PEC Relay for Life.
PEC OPP constable Anthony Mann accepted the $1,000 donation with gratitude and briefly explained his role teaching DARE (Drug Abuse Resistence Education) to Grade 6 students in the County. Shari Hardon thanked the Kinsmen for their $1,500 contribution to be an event sponsor at the PEC Relay for Life fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society this June.
Over the past four years, the Picton Kinsmen Club has donated more than $ 80,000 to causes, youth groups, sporting and recreational groups, and county residents in times of need. They support minor soccer, minor hockey, Picton Legionettes Girls Hockey, minor ball hockey, PECI baseball, Picton Air Cadets, Reaching for Rainbows, Dolphins Swim Club, and the Kids of Steel Marathon.
Members also support Cystic Fibrosis, Operation Go Home, the PECMH Foundation, Picton Food Bank, CAS Christmas Angel Tree, Festival of Trees, PEC Relay for Life, Picton and Bloomfield Christmas parades, PEC Community Theatre Group, Gilead Fellowship Christmas Dinner program, PEYC Youth Sailing School, Hospice Prince Edward, PE Learning Ctr., Heart & Stroke Big Bike Ride, Loyalist Humane Society, Quinte Conservation, OPP Holiday RIDE, Bloomfield AOTS, Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
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