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Decisions made for streets with no name

AUG 17: UPDATE: Street names proposed by developers that were not people’s names were approved by council following discussion on council’s intent to follow the guidelines of the coming street naming policies. In the remaining cases, the assigning of names from the cenotaph lists was approved to allow the developers to move forward on connecting utilities.

The Commemorative Street Naming Policy states the municipality’s new focus will be to ensure street name approvals are consistent and reflect a positive image of the County; meet criteria to determine the validity of a commemorative name; ensure consultation process and maintain a central reserve list for all approved names.

The proposed street names must be categorized into at least one of the following categories:
• Names of County resident who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces or
who have lost their lives in public service.
• Names of local individuals/families who made a significant social, political or cultural contribution to the County.
• Names Commemorating local Indigenous persons, organizations, places, events or culture;
• Names of historical significance at a regional, provincial or national level.
Priority shall be given to themes with local significance; or
• Names recognizing local native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features.

Proposed street names with the following characteristics will be discouraged for approval:
• Discriminatory, racist or derogatory names;
• Names of individuals known for discriminatory behavior and/or beliefs;
• Names seen as advertising for a business or for commercial purposes;
• Names with undesirable definitions or those pronounced or spelled similar
to those with undesirable definitions (including names with sexual
overtones, inappropriate humour and slang); or
• Names already assigned to existing Streets and park facilities in the County
or names with similar spelling or pronunciation to an existing Street name.

AUG 16: – While awaiting an official inventory of approved street names expected by year end, municipal staff seek council’s direction Tuesday night to identify 16 new streets in Rednersville, Consecon, Rossmore, Wellington and Picton.

The street names are needed as soon as possible for the developments to move forward on installation of utility services that require civic addresses.

A ‘commemorative street naming policy’ was approved by council in May but its new Street Naming Task Team is to be recruited in the fall. It is estimated their creation of a street names inventory would be complete by year end.

In the meantime, staff propose the previous street naming practice be used for the 16 streets in need to expedite the civic addressing, but have notified council with the developer’s preferred naming in some cases.

The previous practice has been to assign road names using the Prince Edward County Cenotaph list, or Picton War Memorial, dedicated to veterans from the County who served and died in the First, Second and Korean wars.

Staff recommendations following the recent practice (and developer preferences):

– that Peter Morkis and Diana Nieuiwenhof Development (in Rednersville) street ‘A’ be named Freddrick Street and street ‘B’ be named Lough Street from the Ameliasburgh Cenotaph list. (Developers prefer Bayview Point Road) UPDATE: Bayview Point Road and Lough approved.

– that Stinson Block subdivision (in Consecon) street ‘A’ be named Winters Court, from the Hillier Cenotaph list. (Developer prefers Old Vine Lane) UPDATE: Old Vine Court approved.

– that Lady of the Woods Estates (Rossmore) street ‘A’ be named Parliament Street and street ‘B’ be named Soble Street, from the Ameliasburgh Cenotaph list. (Developer prefers Trinity Street after the Holy Trinity, and Hanna Street, in recognition of their last name.) UPDATE: Cenotaph list approved.

– that Talbot on the Trail subdivision (Picton) street ‘A’ be named McLean Street; street ‘B’ be named ‘Buchanan Avenue (extension of existing street), street ‘C’ be named Baldwin Court, street ‘D’ be named Campbell Crescent, and street ‘E’ be named Evans Street. (Developer prefers street ‘A’ be named Markland Avenue after Colin Markland, who owned the development lands in the early 70s.) UPDATE: Cenotaph list approved.

– that West Meadows (Picton) subdivision street ‘A’ be named George Wright Boulevard (extension of existing street), street ‘B’ be named Allen Street, street ‘C’ be named Griffin Street, street ‘D’ be named Beasley Crescent, street ‘E’ be named Ruben Street, street ‘F’ be named French Street and street ‘G’ be named Weaver Street. (Developer prefers street ‘D’ be named Jenkins Crescent and street ‘E’ be Rollins Street. Both are previous property owners of the West Meadows subdivision land. UPDATE: Cenotaph list approved.

The Twelve Trees subdivison (Wellington) naming is on hold at the developer’s request should council decide the previous road naming practice will prevail. The developer prefers Twelve Trees Court for the new road. UPDATE: Twelve Trees Court approved.

Municipal staff ensure that names do not conflict with any existing private or municipal streets, and select appropriate suffixes in accordance with the following:

Avenue: A street in a densely populated area serving light to heavy traffic volumes and commonly used interchangeably between local, collector and arterial roads.

Boulevard: A wide street, usually with a median in the middle, serving medium to high traffic volumes.

Circle: A circular street

Court: A street with no outlet, usually ending in a cul-de-sac. Typically, not exceeding 300 metres.

Crescent: A local street that resembles a crescent, usually connecting to the same street on both ends.

Drive: A street that is winding or curved and serves light to heavy traffic volumes.

Lane: A private street/road

Road: A common rural road usually in less densely populated areas serving light to heavy traffic volumes.

Street: A common street usually in more densely populated areas serving light to heavy traffic volumes.

Way: A street that is winding or curved and serves light to heavy traffic volumes.




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