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Defence minister officially opens $16 million cadet hanger at Mountain View

Minister of National Defence, Peter MacKay and his wife and former air cadet Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay, officially open the Central Region Cadet Hangar at CFD Mountain View Friday. They are joined by Lieutenant Colonel Joe MacMillan, Commanding Officer of the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central), Major Rick Sensabaugh, Deputy Commanding of Regional Cadet Air Operations, cadets from 851 Prince Edward Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and Colonel Sean Friday, 8 Wing Commander.


851 Royal Canadian Air Cadets assisted in the ceremony.

Whether a girl or a boy, defence minister Peter MacKay hopes his first child will consider joining cadets.

MacKay announced Friday morning on his Facebook that he and wife Nazanin Afshin-Jam are expecting a baby in the spring. That afternoon, they were congratulated on the announcement by those in attendance at the grand opening of the $16 million new hanger for the Central Region Gliding School, at Mountain View.

“I hope, boy or girl, that they give some consideration to joining cadets. I could think of nothing better for the development of a child,” MacKay said. His wife was an air cadet for five years, obtaining top rank of Warrant Officer First class, “so she out-ranks me by a long-shot.”

The air cadet gliding program is a partnership between the Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League of Canada for the benefit of Royal Canadian Air Cadets and is the largest producer of glider pilots in Canada. More than 300 cadets receive their glider pilot license each year. The school here has operated out of Canadian Forces Detachment Mountain View and Picton airports since 1980.

The new Central Region Cadet Hanger was completed earlier this year. Its 5,000 square metres of space houses up to 30 gliders and tow planes, 18 offices, two classrooms and simulator training.

“One of the highlights of my job is an opportunity to talk about the importance of our Canadian cadet program,” said MacKay. “Not only is it a national institution, it is important for youth development across the country. One that instills basic values of discipline, teamwork, citizenship, self respect – all of the things that we would want to instill in our children. It is, in my estimation, the best youth development program that we have in this country… Many of life’s lessons and life-long friendships are learned in the cadet corps.”

The event was also attended by 8 Wing Commander Col. Sean Friday, local politicians, Air Cadet League of Canada members and local cadets, including members of 851 Prince Edward Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.

MacKay noted one third of all gliding done nationally takes place in the Central Region, “so you really are a centre of excellence.”

The 5,000 square metre facility houses up to 30 gliders and tow planes, 18 offices, two classrooms and two simulators.

Flying simulators

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  1. Miguel says:

    Mark Ferguson: as an Iranian Canadian , along with 5 more million immigrants and refugees , we are supporting government ‘s decision for closure of the spy embassy . Yes , there are a small pockets of apologist who are against it.
    However the Issue is too complex for you to comprehend , please leave it for us to handle it .

  2. Recycle Bin says:

    Hey Mark, this is about the County’s Great Aircadet Sqdn’s acheivements for many years and not your BS. All young folk should look into this program…..Chris Hatfield was a Milton Aircadet Glidder Pilot grad.and look where he is today!!!
    There are other media blogs for your Rants!!!!

  3. Mark Ferguson says:

    Did anyone ask McKay why the government would close Iran’s embassy thereby shutting down all communications with the homeland of many Canadian CITIZENS and a potentially dangerous world player. Did it have something to do with campaign financing from supporters of Israel? While I support Israel’s right to exist I believe that the complex issues in the middle east require discussion and compromise not a cessation of contact or warplanes?

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