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Donald McClure – The County Gardener

Green Thumbs Up!

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  1. Donald says:

    Hi Sandra: Sorry for the delay. Check out this week’s blog for your picture and some encouragement to grow more dahlias. Keep up your good work. And thanks for your interest in this website. We have a lot of interesting stuff coming along. Regards

  2. Sandra Dowds says:

    Hi Donald
    I bookmarked your blog several weeks ago not realizing that I had to go to the countylive site fresh each time. Therefore I missed my dahlia picture.
    Sandra Dowds

  3. LSSmith says:

    I have need of a lawn expert to settle an argument my husband and I have every year in the spring.

    I had been taught that the first time you cut the lawn in the spring, you should lower the cutting blades to as low as possible, then with each subsequent cut, raise the blades until they are at the desired height you wish to maintain the grass at. I was told this makes a thicker lawn because when the grass is cut it causes a branching of the blades, and since each subsequent cut is above the last one the branching continues, therefore creating a thicker lawn. And the reason to do it as low as possible is to make the grass thicker at the base of each grass plant. He maintains that you should never ever change the blade level and you should always cut as high as possible. The lawn was just recently seeded and the grass is just starting to grow in. Should we cut it at all this fall? (The ground is still fairly soft.) And if we do cut it now or in the spring do we cut low to high or just high?

    Thanks in advance for your advise. LS

  4. Shakespere says:

    Don McClure; “would a Rose not smell as Sweet by any other Name”?

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