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Dukes head back to the ice with a goal to support new hospital

Top row, from left: Don Cotton – Dukes Assistant GM; Jim Dunlop, Back the Build Campaign Cabinet Member; Nancy Parks, Back the Build Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairperson; Rob Ridgley – Dukes General Manager; Don Boucher – Dukes Sales Manager; Derek Smith – Dukes Head Coach. Bottom row, from left: Shannon Coull, Executive Director of the PECMH Foundation; Jacob Vreugdenhill Dukes 21-22 player; Cole McGuire Dukes 21-22 player and Kelly Martin – Dukes Director of Marketing. Briar Boyce photo

Wellington Dukes fans are invited to help the Prince Edward County hockey club score a win for the new hospital as all expect to return to the arena this fall.

The Dukes’ 2021/22 season ticket sales campaign is now under way and comes with a sportsmanlike request. The Dukes have relaunched a fundraising pledge brought forth last year that was stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, the team aims to sell more than 1,000 season tickets for the 2021/22 Ontario Junior Hockey League (OJHL) regular season. Over the next few seasons, the organization hopes to sell enough tickets to be able to donate $20,000 to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation to help Back the Build for a new hospital.

“Last season we had the pleasure of starting to work with PECMHF on this special initiative. This year, as we return to hockey in the Duke Dome, we will be able to shine a light on the new hospital campaign,” said Kelly Martin, director of marketing for the Wellington Dukes. “When we were deciding which charity to partner with last year, selecting the foundation fulfilled our prerequisite of partnering with an organization that benefits the entire population of PEC. This was very important to the Dukes to help give back to the community that helps support us each season.”

“Go Dukes Go! We are excited about this partnership with this much-loved hockey team,” said Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. “This donation will also be matched 2:1 by the Paul B. Helliwell Foundation tripling the impact resulting in $60,000 to help with the campaign. What better way to help build our new hospital than to enjoy a season of great hockey at the Duke Dome!”

Adult season tickets are $280 per seat while senior season tickets are $240. The Dukes and Total Sports Quinte are also offering a “corporate combo special” that combines advertising in Total Sports Hockey Season Preview edition in the fall with a ticket package allowing businesses the opportunity to utilize their tickets as promotional giveaways to clients and employees.

The hockey club will also be out and about in the community over the summer months at local events and farmers’ markets selling tickets and promoting the fundraising ticket drive.

“Giving back makes our community a better place for families to raise their kids, for businesses to thrive, and for our elderly to retire with comfort and dignity,” said Nancy Parks, Back the Build campaign co-chairperson. “This partnership is truly a win-win.

The Wellington Dukes are slated to return to play on Oct. 1st with games every Friday night. Season tickets may be obtained by contacting Don Boucher at 613-813-3943 or Betty Masterson at 613-848-9609 or by visiting or request tickets by email at


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