Easter donation keeps hospital campaign feeling sunny side up
Administrator | Apr 13, 2022 | Comments 0

Pictured in front of QHC PECMH from left: John and Dianne Hopper with Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation. Briar Boyce photo
John and Dianne Hopper made a special visit to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation this week, delivering a pledge installment toward their commitment to the new hospital campaign.
The couple, who reside in Sophiasburgh, presented Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Executive Director Shannon Coull, with their third $50,000 installment that is Backing the Build for the new County hospital. The Hoppers have pledged $250,000 to the campaign.
“We believe Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital is one of the most important organizations in our community. The health and wellness of our family, friends and fellow residents relies on the resources at the hospital. Dianne and I continue to do our part to show how fortunate we are to support the building of our new County hospital. It is our hope that everyone in Prince Edward County will help Back the Build so the medical staff can continue to provide exceptional health care close to home,” said John Hopper.
“We’re grateful for John and Dianne’s contributions and community leadership,” said Coull. “Our entire community has been focused on getting through COVID-19 and now that we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, this gift reminds us that we need to keep moving forward. Our community still requires a new hospital and we still need to keep it equipped for patient care. We are grateful for the Hoppers’ continued generosity.”
To learn more about the Back the Build campaign and how you can get involved, visit www.backthebuild.ca.
The foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to raising funds to advance health care for the patients of the hospital and the people of Prince Edward County.
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