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EDO job on strategic plan agenda

By Ross Lees
There appears to be no hurry to replace Economic Development Officer Dan Taylor, at least not until Prince Edward County council has determined the strategic direction and scope for the department in the future.
The department will report to the commissioner of planning and building services until an organizational review is complete.
A report at last week’s committee of the whole meeting, by chief administrative officer Richard Shannon, noted current planning commissioner Gerry Murphy has accreditation in the field of economic development and has overseen the role in some of his previous assignments.
He notes Murphy’s role is not intended to replace the manager’s function within the department, only to provide direction where it is needed and guidance when it is required.
Shannon said the communication and cooperation between the economic development department, planning and building services and public works has been facilitated somewhat by their housing under one roof at the Edward building and will make management by the planning commissioner feasible.
“Until a review of the strategic direction of the department is completed, the municipality would be better served by allowing the position of Economic Development Officer to remain vacant,” said Shannon. “In my considered opinion, it would be a mistake to hire a replacement without a clear mandate for the managerial role and the strategic direction for the department set out by council.”
It is expected the topic will come up for discussion at the strategic planning workshop scheduled for the Wellington and District Recreation Centre next week.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Wilson says:

    …and in the meantime, important work that was drawing folks – business, government grants, investment – into the County goes undone.

    From an economic perspective, this is very short-sighted….again.

    And here we thought things were going to be different with this council. Wow! Be careful what you wish for.

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