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Electric vehicles will be able to get a charge while drivers shop Picton

Electric-vehicle-charging-stationDrivers of electric vehicles will soon be able to get a charge while they shop in Picton. One of the nearly 500 new electric vehicle charging stations will be installed at the municipality’s 55 King Street parking lot.

The province announced its $20 million charging station list Wednesday, working with 24 public and private-sector partners. The entire network – from Windsor to Ottawa and Toronto to North Bay is to be in service by March 31, 2017.

The province’s investment, under Ontario’s $325 million Green Investment Fund, will expand charging infrastructure across the province and will help address “range anxiety,” a common concern of consumers regarding the distance electric vehicles can travel compared to traditional vehicles.

Building a more robust network of public chargers across Ontario allows electric vehicle owners to plan longer trips knowing that charging stations are as readily available as gas stations.

Picton’s is to be a Level 3 unit, which will charge to about 80 per cent of full power within 30 minutes. There are 10 Level 2 stations between Colborne and Napanee. The next nearest stations will be at Tim Hortons at 281 Bell Blvd in Belleville

An interactive map of the EVCO network of stations is accessible on the Ontario 511 website.  Station location data will also be posted on Ontario’s Open Data Catalogue to allow software developers and other interested parties to use the data in their mobile application or digital product development.

There are nearly 7,000 electric vehicles on the road in Ontario. More than 200 applications to the Electric Vehicle Charger Ontario program were received, totalling more than $165 million in grant requests.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Susan says:

    Ontario is great right now. When it comes time to pay this ridiculous debt, most of us with any $$ are out of here.

  2. Mark says:

    Ontario will soon be seeing financing debt as the largest government expenditure surpassing health care. The 300 Billion debt will go far beyond our grandchildren. Wynne should have an imposed spending limit. They should cut up her cards!

  3. Emily says:

    Sad part is we have not been presented an alternative. Do the Tories even have a leader? The Green Energy Act and electric cars is laughable.

  4. Chuck says:

    You’re trying to be logical Geoff when we are being governed by fantasy and ignorance. $300 Billion in debt and Wynne is still on a spending spree!

  5. Geoff Church says:

    Why wouldn’t the government encourage existing gas stations to provide this service? Should electric cars gain market share, they’ll need a new source of revenue as gas sales decline. Alternatively, allow shopping centres and large retailers to provide this service in their parking lots. This plan seems like a strange way to go about creating a network of charging stations that isn’t going to include public money sooner or later.

  6. Vincent says:

    Given the undeniable, serious reality of climate change, I’m proud the province is trying to encourage early adopters of electric vehicles.

  7. mike bondy says:

    And do not forget to renew the licence plate for your vehicle (whether electric or not) before September as for the 4th year in a row, the government is raising the price – this September from $108 to $120 per year while nickle and diming us to death.

    The Liberal government has turned our province into a bankrupt, have-not province that is the worst in the country. Liberal schemes are destroying us, but K. Wynne did warn us when she told us her important qualifications to be premier were that she has a grandchild and that she is a lesbian – whatever those conditions have to do with managing a province’s affairs.

    In that Prince Edward County council is trying to be politically correct by buying brownie points in declaring a ‘Pride Week’ next year, I would like proclaimed an ‘Heterosexual Week’.

    somewhat respectfully,
    mike bondy, Wellington

  8. Mark says:

    Holding the government accountable for how our tax dollars are spent is not drivel. The government threw away $45,000,000 on prep for a jail strike that didn’t happen. The GEA is pure nonsense and not only will not affect carbon levels it places the poor and disadvantaged further into misery.

  9. Mark R says:

    There anything y’all wouldn’t complain about? I must be a masochist to keep coming here and reading the constant whining and drivel the select few on here stir up on a daily basis.

  10. ADJ says:

    Will the 30 min. charge support running the AC on these hot days while caught up in the downtown Picton traffic? and/or the heater in -30* January? Will CAA still honor all the towing or re-charge associated with these new vehicles? What about the lineups at the charge station? That 30 min.wait time may really take 3 hrs. Makes you wonder just how much real life planning went into this program.Then there’s the actual purchase price of the car. Even with the rebate is it feasible to mortgage the farm to keep going “green” Too many questions at this time.

  11. Sue3 says:

    And just who is paying for the lines to service these charging stations, or for the charging stations themselves? Is this just another increase on our ‘delivery charge’ from Hydro One?
    I find it difficult to believe that rural Ontario residents are rushing out to buy these vehicles, and yet it’s rural Ontario that will be expected to cover the cost.

  12. Marnie says:

    Just wonderful. You can’t buy a quart of milk on Main Street unless you go east to the Pump and Pantry or west to Sobeys and forget trying to buy a lot of everyday essentials downtown, but we can charge electric cars. Bet there are a lot of those owned by Picton residents.

  13. Gary says:

    More taxpayers dollars peed away. Better to put those $$ towards affordable housing in Picton rather than serving the visitor with their $80,000 electric car! Nothing more than pure BS and attempting to show the public something worthwhile is being done. Look after food, water and housing first!

  14. Sam says:

    Super news. We already have solar farms in PEC to provide power for electric vehicles. If we can get a few wind turbines then we will really be moving forward with clean power and transportation.

  15. Paul A. says:

    I don’t remember seeing this in the PEC budget, so can anyone help me please? We, the local taxpayers, bought this property adjoining the Heritage Conservation District as a carpark. The Ontario government (again, we taxpayers) are now spending $40,000 ($5 million for 500 “stations”) in our carpark for the privileged — and highly subsidized — few battery-operated car owners.
    Who pays for running, maintaining, insuring and operating this “station?” How many local residents can use this station? Will it increase tourism and help the local economy?

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