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Federal funding to the tune of $25,000

Recipients of Heritage Canada Funding pose for a photograph at the announcement Tuesday morning in Shire Hall, with Bay of Quinte MP Neil Ellis and PEC Mayor Robert Quaiff.

Heritage Canada funding to the tune of $25,000 will help two Prince Edward County festivals unfold their seasons this year.

Bay of Quinte MP Neil Ellis presented the Prince Edward County Festival
Players $15,000 in funding toward a series of theatre presentations and the Prince Edward County Music $10,000 in support of its 2017 festival.

MP Ellis noted the funding is provided by the federal government through the Canadian Arts Presentation Fund.

“It is my pleasure to be able to bring forward the news about both the Prince Edward County Festival Players and the Classical Music Festival being successful applicants for these Canadian Heritage Grants,” said Ellis.

“I am so proud that two of our arts festivals have received funding support through this program,” said Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff. “We have a strong and growing artistic community here and I’m glad that support exists to see these kinds of festivals flourish. Celebrating our cultural heritage, our artists and musicians is part of what makes the County – and Canada more broadly – such a wonderful place to live.”

“Festival Players is thrilled to continue our theatrical presentation activities with the support of the Government of Canada,” said Julianne Snepsts, interim Festival Players General Manager. “For years, we have been bringing some of the best solo shows in Canada to share with audiences in Prince Edward County. With this funding, and our new program Festival Players Presents, we will be able to shake things up a bit, broaden our artistic selections and bring new kinds of performances to audiences year-round.”

Festival Players plans to present a series of “one-night-only” and short-run theatre presentations this year.

The Classical Music Festival is celebrating its 14th season this year and will be presenting a series of concerts specially programmed in the spirit of celebrating Canada’s 150th including Picton 1867, Remember 1917 – music commemorating Canada’s role in the First World War; Canada at 100 – celebrating founding nations including “Metis Songs” and Bridges To the Future – a passing of the torch with recent Canadian work.

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