Final week for input into QHC plan
Administrator | Oct 26, 2015 | Comments 0
Quinte Health Care (QHC) is asking local residents to provide input on the future distribution of services across the four hospitals by Friday.
In addition to a web-based survey, QHC has been gathering input on its draft plans through meetings this month with its community advisory council, staff and physicians.
“Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to submit their feedback so far. We have already made one adjustment to the plans based on feedback from physicians, with respect to the bronchoscopy clinic,” said Mary Clare Egberts, QHC President & CEO. “QHC must make changes in order to provide care within QHC’s reduced funding levels. However, we will use input from our community, staff and physicians to refine the changes and help inform future implementation plans as much as possible.”
On Oct. 5, QHC announced its proposed plan for the future distribution of services across its four hospitals. Egberts said the plan was developed based on input from almost 1,000 residents defining their top health care priorities, and the recommendations of the Brighton/Quinte West Health Services Advisory Committee.
“The most important message is that all four QHC hospitals are here to stay, with 24-hour emergency rooms, inpatient beds, diagnostics and ambulatory procedures or clinics,” said Tricia Anderson, QHC Board Chair. “Community members told us in the spring that these were their top priorities for hospital care and we are pleased that the plans will keep these key services close-to-home.”
Egberts said that although there are some changes to clinical services and access to care across the hospitals, “the vast majority of the proposed changes for 2016/17 are related to staffing levels and efficiencies in almost every area of QHC.
“The changes in the plan that will be more obvious to patients include: the move of some surgical services from Trenton to Belleville; having complex continuing care beds at TMH; more focused services in the Rehab Day Hospital; and no longer offering a pain clinic through QHC, but working with community partners to establish a regional program.”
The proposed plan will go to the QHC Board in November and to the union partners to start the staff planning process in mid-November. Most of the changes are to be implemented by April 1, 2016.
More information about the proposed changes and a survey on the QHC web site at Local residents can also provide input and ask questions by calling (613) 969-7400, ext. 2677.
Filed Under: Local News
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