Fire affecting three homes in Wellington deemed accidental
Administrator | May 31, 2024 | Comments 1
UPDATE: The cause of a fire affecting three homes on Dorchester Drive in Wellington late Thursday afternoon has been determined to be accidental in nature.
Firefighters from the Wellington and Consecon fire stations, along with support from the Picton fire station, responded to the fire at 61 Dorchester Drive
in Wellington at 4:31p.m. May 30.
“Fire crews were met by flames through the roof and worked quickly to bring the fire under control within an hour,” said Deputy Fire Chief Tim Karemer. “Damages to the home are estimated at $800,000.
“An adjoining home was exposed to fire damage, and another was protected to prevent fire damage. All occupants with one of their pets exited safely another pet was rescued by fire personnel and returned to the homeowners.”
Kraemer said the origin and cause of the fire has been investigated and the fire has been determined to be accidental. There were no injuries reported.
He expressed gratitude “for the great work by all responding personnel and would like to remind the public that working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms along with a planned and practiced escape plan save lives.”
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
Thank you to the firefighters for their hard work to try and save as much of the 3 unit townhouse as possible.