First flu case confirmed
Administrator | Dec 23, 2010 | Comments 0
The first lab-confirmed case of influenza this flu season has been reported to the local public health unit. The confirmed case was Influenza A.
“This is a relatively late start to the flu season,” says Dr. Richard Schabas, medical officer of health for the Hastings & Prince Edward Counties Health Unit. “The influenza numbers across the province are low this season and I expect the trend to continue.”
To date, the Health Unit has not seen influenza outbreaks in any area long-term care institutions. The Health Unit has completed its community influenza vaccination clinics but flu shots are still available at its regular immunization clinics. The clinic schedule is available online at or by calling the Flu Line at 613-966-5513 ext. 655. Flu shots are also available through other health care providers.
Filed Under: Local News
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