Flashing Green Light awareness – you can make a difference!
Administrator | Aug 25, 2014 | Comments 0
In the Province of Ontario a Firefighter “may carry on or in his or her vehicle a lamp that produces intermittent flashes of green light and may operate the light in the motor vehicle if proceeding to a fire or other emergencies.” S. 62(16) of the Highway Traffic Act. Our firefighters are informed that this green light provides no privileges and they must follow all the rules of the Highway Traffic Act. The main purpose of the green light is to inform other drivers that when they see a flashing green light that the operator is responding to an emergency that they have been dispatched to. Other drivers are not legally obligated to pull over or move out of the way but it is hoped that they will to assist in getting the responder to their call as quickly as possible.
Green flashing light restricted
S. 62(16) The following persons may carry on or in his or her vehicle and operate a lamp that produces intermittent flashes of green light:
1. A firefighter, within the meaning of subsection 1 (1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, while proceeding to a fire or other emergency.
2. A prescribed class of volunteer medical responder, while driving a prescribed class or type of vehicle or engaging in a prescribed activity or in prescribed conditions or circumstances. 2007, c. 13, s. 17 (5).
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