Flood warning remains with more rain on the way
Administrator | May 22, 2019 | Comments 0

Mabel Kleinsteuber Launch on County Rd 12 one of several closed in the County due to high water
With more rain and a risk of thunderstorms expected for Thursday afternoon, the flood warning for Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte remains in effect.
Though Friday is expected to be sunny and warmer, rain is forecast to return on the weekend.
Lake Ontario continues to rise and there is a 50 per cent chance water levels will reach or exceed the highs of 2017, according to the most recent forecast by the International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board.
Water is over portions of the roadway on Winns Drive. The roadway remains open, though, with signs to alert drivers, who are reminded to exercise caution when travelling in the area.
The County is not anticipating widespread flooding; however, residents living in low-lying, flood-prone areas are being told to take measures to protect their residence.
The municipality is offering sand and sandbags at no cost to residents whose primary residence is at risk of flooding. Sandbags are not intended to protect shorelines or accessory buildings. The municipality is asking residents to be respectful of their neighbours when picking up supplies and only sandbag if their home is at risk of flooding.
The sandbags are self-serve, and residents must bring their own shovels to fill bags. Residents must fill out the number of sandbags they have picked up and the civic address where they will be used.
Sand and sandbags are now available at:
Waupoos Community Centre, 2699 County Road 8 in North Marysburgh
South Marysburgh Fire Hall, 3076 County Road 10
Hiscock Shores Road cul-de-sac in Ameliasburgh
Sunrise Drive cul-de-sac in Ameliasburgh
35 County Road 14 in Sophiasburgh
15 Coleman Street in Ameliasburgh
75 County Road 1 in Hallowell (Sandy Hook Dome)
Wellington and District Community Centre, 111 Belleville Street in Wellington
Mariners’ Park Museum (Intersection of County Road 10 and County Road 13)
21651 Loyalist Parkway in Carrying Place
Consecon Fire Station (14 County Road 29)
Bay Bridge Jeans parking lot (5567 Highway 62)
The municipality is actively monitoring weather forecasts and flood forecasting data. Public works staff is inspecting flood-prone areas regularly.
To report flooding on your property, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or send an email.
Boat launches closed
The following municipal boat launches are closed as a result of the high water levels:
Big Island
Weller’s Bay – Edward Drive
Mabel Kleinsteuber Launch – County Rd 12
Wellington Beach
The Rossmore boat launch is temporarily closed to allow municipal staff to remove debris.
High winds and waves can lead to shoreline erosion when lake levels are elevated. Boaters are asked to minimize their wake when passing shorelines.
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