Garlic Man’s portrait honours his contributions to PEC agricultural history
Administrator | Jun 11, 2012 | Comments 6

The library's Christine Renaud and Barbara Sweet flank artist Milé Murtanovski and his subject, Ted Maczka.
Local artist Milé Murtanovski presenting a painting of Prince Edward County icon Ted Maczka, a.k.a The Fish Lake Garlic Man, to the Prince Edward County Library. Painted in 2011, the portrait was part of the artist’s Field to Canvas series of 12 paintings of farmers from Prince Edward County that were originally exhibited at Angeline’s Restaurant.
“Donating the painting to the library and having it on display for the public in perpetuity seemed like a great way to honour Ted as a significant contributor to the area’s agricultural history,” said Murtanovski.
Maczka, is near legend not only in Prince Edward County but also across Canada and in the United States for both his knowledge of garlic and his creative promotional style.
“It is an honour for the library to receive this portrait of Mr. Maczka painted by such a talented local artist,” said library CEO Barbara Sweet. “Mr. Maczka has made important contributions in agriculture and to life in Prince Edward County, and it is fitting that the public can now come and enjoy this portrait at the library.”
The painting is at the Picton branch and plans are to have it displayed on a rotating basis at each of the library’s six branches.
Filed Under: Arts & Culture • News from Everywhere Else
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Thanks, everyone, for the nice comments.
I’m having a little plaque made up to be placed with the painting.
Bettie: Ted does get out and I see him from time to time around PEC. His hip seems to give him some trouble and slows him down a little bit, but he’s pretty unstoppable (and he’s not on any medications!).
And congrats on your garlic.
Hello, Gil. You mentioned that you were with DND when there was a base at PlaP. Southport, I think they called it. I worked as a civilian as a young girl in Winnipeg in the 1970s. Were you a member of the Armed Forces or “just” a civilian?
I wonder if Ted ever gets out of that retirement home or if he still has his property. I recall him complaining about the govt flooding his property, etc. He thought they were a really useless bunch, that he knew more bout engineering than they…
My Fish Lake #3 are just starting to put out their scapes. YAY!!
Thank you Mile, for the donation. A wonderful portrait. And thank you, Ted, for the garlic education!
Bettie, (from an old Portage Man./DND-Days).
Ted,the “Garlic Man” is alive an well in Prince Edward County Jean’s, “MAPLES RETIREMENT Home” as a resident, on County Road 5, Picton Ont.
I agree,Ted is definately a Gem.
Have a great weekend,trouble Free for ALL THE STAFF
Lovely painting, Mile. The Field to Canvas series – I can’t believe that someone is actually honouring…farmers for a change!
Some years ago Ted & I used to chat on the phone. What an interesting man. He was no fan of the government, I can assure you of that. He’s had a hell of a life and as far as I know he’s still kicking, is he?
I grow his Fish Lake #3 and it is doing just great this year. Massive plants. So grateful for his life & activities in promoting local garlic growing.
Best to you, Ted.
Bettie from Manitoba.
To learn a bit more about Ted and the painting, read my blog post here:
Big, huge thanks to Christine & Barbara for facilitating the donation, and bigger, huger thanks to Ted for being such a mensch.