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Golden Globes got it right

Well, the Golden Globes were last night and as the forerunner of the Academy Awards it was great to see they got it right.
This really is a good year for movies.
There are some quality pictures out that I’ll be reviewing over the next few weeks.
The picture of the year went to Social Network. I still marvel that this is a movie.
Who cares about how an internet program developed? Well I do after watching this film.
You can’t argue that Facebook is a revolutionary innovation on the social/cultural scene. It’s part of our lexicon and it’s a whole lot more than a multi-billion phenomena. Here’s the key
Aaron Sorkin wrote, David Fincher directs. It’s a powerful story and I agree with the win.
Best Actor – Colin Firth
This was the easiest to call and it will definitely take top prize at the Oscars as well.
The Kings Speech is everything I like about filmmaking. It’s a small story, full of human drama, and you don’t want the movie to end once you start getting hooked into it.
Again who cares about King George Vl or the fact that he had a terrible speech impediment? You can’t help but care. It’s such a compelling performance by Firth. You struggle with him to find the words and there is a victory in each word, sentence and ultimately the speech.
The relationship that develops between the King nd his speech therapist is the whole movie and Geoffrey Rush could and maybe should have won Best Supporting Actor. This is my favourite movie so far this year.
Rush didn’t win Supporting because that horses’ hind end Christian Bale did.
Ok, he is great in The Fighter. No one could argue that he doesn’t have good acting chops. You’re halfway through the movie before you realize that this gritty Boston southey was Batman.
He’s also the putz that had the legendary meltdown on the set of  Terminator where he went off on a light director for walking through a scene. By the way, I can no longer make fun of Mark Wahlberg. He’s just too strong an actor. Perform the post mortem on the fun bunch references from here on out.
To no one’s surprise, Natalie Portman won Best Actress for The Black Swan. This is another great film from director Darren Aronofsky who has two amazing pictures under his belt -Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler.
I think Portman had a great role and while I don’t mean to take anything away from her performance, writing and directing is what makes this film great. However, she does capture her character’s descent into madness with credibility and some poignancy. I think there was a shortage of strong competition which is not to say she didn’t deserve it. I’m not saying, I’m just saying.
Best Supporting Actress went to Melissa Leo for The Fighter. It’s easy to compare The Fighter to The Wrestler in terms of the grittiness of the story. It’s not exctly what I would call a redemption piece but it’s a great film. There were actually two women nominated for supporting actress from this film alone, but the men carry this story.
Best director goes to David Fincher and I can’t argue. I love Aronofsky vision so I’d always give the tip to him just on pedigree but they made a story out of nothing and they made it great. I did think that Cristopher Nolan had this locked up for Inception and my prediction is he gets the Oscar. It was such a groundbreaking film and the Academy likes to think it’s a lot smarter than it really is.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong. That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here. Paul.
I strongly recommend you see all the films nominated. It really is a who’s who of today’s film aristocracy.

Filed Under: Paul Peterson

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