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Groups request ‘forward-looking’ tree policy

A request for a “forward-looking tree policy” will come before the Shire Hall horseshoe Thursday.

Susan Banks and Gerry Jenkinson, on behalf of the Horticultural Society, Master Gardeners and Prince Edward County Field Naturalists are scheduled to address the committee.

The groups seek “a forward-looking tree policy for the County which sees trees as a valuable community asset and integrates green infrastructure into the asset management and financial planning of the municipality.”

Their deputation noted the groups would like to see enhancement of the tree canopy along tourism corridors in urban centres and villages and a tree maintenance program to ensure healthy, mature trees.

“A well-managed street tree population can bring large dividends for a municipality,” the deputation states. “For ever dollar a municipality invests into its street tree population, annual benefits returned range from $1.37 to $4.48 per tree in savings in storm water management, reductions in energy consumption, improvements in air quality and increased property values.”

The groups also seek protection of mature trees.

Council in 2015 approved a motion from councillor Lenny Epstein that staff provide options for tree policies that align with secondary plans, settlement areas and best management practices as laid out by the Canadian Urban Forest Network.

Epstein is expected to present a motion requesting municipal staff consult with the groups to draft a tree policy advisory group would include both citizen and municipal representatives.

Filed Under: Local News

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