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Guardians of the Galaxy is funny-smart

Paul Peterson

Paul Peterson

So it took me awhile, but I finally got around to reviewing Guardians of the Galaxy.
Now, let’s start with a simple premise.
I was not eager to see this. It looked silly or at least weird.  I mean it has a killer raccoon, a bunch of odd characters that look like they were knock-offs of the original Star Wars bar and grill and it’s a comic book. My cool factor plummets every time I share a common interest with the nerd herd.
I was wrong.
It was bound to happen.
This was one of the summer’s best.
The stars Chris Pratt and Zoe Seldano are very good playing off each other without lapsing into cliche. That’s the key.
The writing is exceptional.
It’s funny smart and you actually see the characters grow. They develop into a family of sorts. OK, a larcenous borderline pathological family but still, they care.
It really never lapses. I saw this film at least four times and I was constantly impressed.

The raccoon works. Voiced by Bradley Cooper it’s one of those rare times that having someone famous matters. This varmint has attitude. He also has a working knowledge of several high powered weapons and an itchy trigger finger.
Dave Bautista brings something different to the lurking hulking assassin role and while I don’t expect to see him on Broadway anytime soon, Drax is an interesting character.
Really they all are. That’s what surprised me.
It has all the sass of the original Men In Black and I think a lot of the credit has to go to Nicole Pearlman who is the co writer. It’s such a smart script. She also penned Thor.
I thought the film looked like a mess. Too busy too loud too reliant on special effects. I really was dead wrong.

It’s warm and charming and very very funny. All that blowing up stuff gets lost under a really simple story line and you don’t need an interpreter to follow along. At my age that’s a blessing. Chris Pratt is interesting and he has depth.
I can’t say enough good things about this movie. It plays well to a broad audience and covers a lot of ages.
It has enough action for that crowd and a good deal of sentiment to the aww shucks group which I seem to have joined in my impending dotterage.
Check it out .

It’s still in theatres and will be coming to your TV screens soon enough. I think it’s one of the best comic-to-screen conversions, and I don’t mind admitting when I’m that thing I said at the beginning.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong. That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here. Paul

Filed Under: News from Everywhere ElsePaul Peterson

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