Harvesting the knowledge at resource fair
Administrator | Oct 21, 2011 | Comments 0
Community Living Prince Edward invited County residents to ‘Harvest the Knowledge’ at a resource fair held Thursday at the Picton Town Hall.
Visitors enjoyed Tai Chi demonstrations by Gerry and Bawn Putman, learned how to cook nutritious cost-effective meals with Steven Silva and browsed a number of exhibits set up by various organizations.
Lisa Heffernan, of Community Living Prince Edward, said the event was designed to help people learn more about some of the community and surrounding area’s services and resources available.
Community Living Prince Edward provides supports and services to people with an intellectual disability and their families. The voluntary membership organization facilitates the inclusion of people with disabilities into the life of the community and its economy. Community Living Prince Edward is located in downtown Picton and employs approximately 170 staff to provide a wide range of supports and services to approximately 400 infants, children, youth, adults, and families in Prince Edward County.

Filed Under: Local News
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