Hats off to Hospital Auxiliary Crafters and OPP for keeping County kids warm
Administrator | Oct 10, 2017 | Comments 0

Joyce Minaker, manager of the Auxiliary Craft Group, Denise Linnett, Jack Starkey, OPP Sergeant Reema Abdo, Rosemary Moore, Ann Brown, Linda Jenkins and Angie Hall at Tuesday’s presentation of the knitted goods. Missing from the photo are Bill Walby, Diane Splaine, Nancy Hicks, Dorothy Vincent, Kathy Watt and Willa Buckle.
The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Craft Group continued its efforts this year to ensure County kids can be warm this winter.
The volunteer group presented Prince Edward OPP Sergeant Reema Abdo with 496 handmade items to be added to the annual Adopt A Child snowsuit campaign. The program supports working families and those in need of assistance. Distribution of donations is usually held the first week of November, to more than 1,100 children in Hastings and Prince Edward counties.
This is the Auxiliary Craft Group’s fourth year for contributing hats and mittens to the program. Many of the items made were knitted or crocheted with yard generously donated by patrons of the Auxiliary’s Second Time Around Shop.
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