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Honouring the fallen on Remembrance Day

Story and photos by Sharon Harrison
Regardless of the chill in the air, hundreds gathered at the cenotaph in Wellington Park Saturday morning to mark Remembrance Day under a clear blue, sunny sky.

Following a parade from the United Church to the Cenotaph, proceedings began with prayers as Wellington locals, County residents and visitors turned out to honour the fallen, to remember lost loved ones, acknowledge the sacrifices of war and those who serve for freedom.

Two minutes silence were observed as the clock struck the eleventh hour, on this eleventh day of the eleventh month.

The placement of wreaths was completed by numerous dignitaries including Wellington ward councillor Jim Dunlop and Prince Edward Mayor Robert Quaiff and representatives for MP Neil Ellis and MPP Todd Smith. Dozens of wreaths and decorative crosses were also placed around the cenotaph gate by families, individuals and businesses.

Wellington resident Doug Mahaney, a New Brunswick native, attended Remembrance Day ceremonies this year with the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in mind.

“My father fought in World War Two; he was with the Pictou Highlanders,” he said, noting his grandfather was at Vimy Ridge. “He got gassed there and came home blind in 1917 and remarkably his vision came back.” He expected the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge to be acknowledged at the ceremony and was disappointed more wasn’t made of the significant anniversary on Remembrance Day.

With Remembrance Day falling on a Saturday this year, noticeably absent was the large contingent of school children from nearby CML Snider School.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 160 member Bob Barber marched in the ceremonies with fellow members as a flag bearer. Today is a special day for the Wellington resident.

“My godfather served in World War Two, he was in Germany, Berlin,” said Barber as tears began to stream down his face. He recalled fond memories of his godfather, as well as his godmother who is still alive at 95-years-old. As for many, it’s a sad day for Barber, but he acknowledges the sadness as well as the fond memories knowing how important it is to think of lost loved ones on this day in particular and the importance of Remembrance Day each year.

The morning’s ceremonies concluded with the singing of God Save the Queen. The crowd was invited to attend at the Wellington Legion branch to share in a meal and more fond memories.

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  1. Robert Quaiff says:

    So honoured to lay a wreath in Wellington and then saying thanks for serving our Country to the Vetran in this picture seated , my Father in Law Rocky Lunan .

  2. Jackie says:

    Glad to hear ceremonies around the County were well attended. We enjoyed the speeches from 3 PECI students at the ceremony at the Picton United Church. It was good to see our MPP Todd Smith lay a wreath for the fallen at the Cenotaph.

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