Hospice sponsors two Susan MacKay awards
Administrator | Feb 03, 2011 | Comments 1
Hospice Prince Edward extends an invitation to nurses practicing in the County to apply for a sponsorship to attend the Annual Hospice Palliative Care Conference One Voice-One Vision April 10-12, 2011 at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel, Toronto (Richmond Hill).
The award is in celebration of Susan MacKay’s life and her work for hospice/palliative care in Prince Edward County. Susan was a member of the Hospice Board until her death in 2010. She believed in the importance of continuing education for nurses and in the specialized knowledge required to work in palliative care.
Who is eligible? RNs or RPNs who care for palliative clients in Prince Edward County, (hospital, long term eare) home care or primary care).
How many awards are being presented? Two sponsorships will be awarded.
What is included in the award?
Full registration, breakfasts, lunches and gala dinner, a membership to the association, and two nights at the conference hotel.
How will the recipients be selected? A draw will be held.
How can I find out more about the conference? Go to the conference website – www.hpcconference.on.ca
How do I apply? Complete the application form and submit it to Hospice Prince Edward by March 1,2011.
Questions? Call Hospice Prince Edward 613-476-2181 ext 4253
Filed Under: cheers
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