Hospital Foundation campaign nearing its goal
Administrator | Jul 02, 2012 | Comments 0

Anna Marie Ferguson, executive director of the PECMH Foundation receives $3,400 from the local Order of the Eastern Star worthy matron Julie Brownson and Worthy Patron Tim Brownson.
The community continues to boost the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation’s $750,000 fundraising campaign for digital mammography equipment and it is now nearing its goal.
This past week, Anna Marie Ferguson, executive director of the PECMH Foundation received $3,400 from the local Order of the Eastern Star worthy matron Julie Brownson and Worthy Patron Tim Brownson.
Every year, the Picton chapter raises funds for a local charity in addition to supporting other causes. This year, the total donations are more than $9,000 including $1,200 in scholarships to graduating County students, and other local charities in support for the main chapter project for the year, which is “Alternatives for Women, children’s programs.
The Wellington Rotary Club recently donated $1,000 toward the hospital foundation’s campaign. The purchase of this equipment will ensure that breast screening services can remain in Picton. Presenting the donation was Art Sinclair, Wellington Rotary Club Past President.
Ferguson thanked the club for its contributing noting this type of community support is vital as the government does not provide funds to purchase medical equipment.
“It has always been the responsibility of the community, through the Foundation’s fundraising efforts, to fund capital medical equipment needs. It is because of organizations like the Order of the Eastern Star and the Rotary Club of Wellington, that the foundation is nearing its goal to bring County residents this state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment.”
Filed Under: Local News
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