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Vote for Hudgin Log House short-listed in national ‘Next Great Save Competition’

Hudgin House. -Dale Smith photo

UPDATE: People voted 6,614 times over the course of the competition! SSJI notes even though, it did not win, the contest helped launch the Hudgin Log House onto a national stage where people from coast to coast could learn about the restoration project and the history of the house and the Hudgin family. The contest helped bring more awareness to the work that is being done to make the House a hub for cultural and natural heritage studies, biodiversity, and public events, and that counts as a win!


UPDATE: Daily voting by the public will help Prince Edward County’s Hudgin House contend for a $50,000 prize as one of 10 heritage buildings short-listed in the National Trust for Canada’s Next Great Save competition.

Online voting opens at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20 and runs to to Wednesday, Feb. 22. At that time there are to be voting buttons for each of the projects nominated from across the country. (See details below)

You do not need to pre-register and there is no fee or obligation for those who vote online at

Each voter is allowed one
vote per day. Click here!

Hudgin Log House short-listed in national ‘Next Great Save Competition’

JAN. 11: The Hudgin Log House on Prince Edward County’s south shore is one of 10 heritage buildings short-listed for a $50,0000 prize in the National Trust for Canada’s Next Great Save competition.

The National Trust announced the short-list Jan. 10 which includes three sites in Ontario, four in British Columbia; two in New Brunswick and one in Nova Scotia. The National Trust for Canada is an independent national charity that empowers communities to save and renew heritage places.

The public will choose the winner of the $50,000 prize through online voting from Jan. 20 to Feb. 22. The prize is presented by Ecclesiastical Insurance, a specialist company providing tailored solutions to the arts, culture and heritage community. The winner is to be announced Feb. 23.

In the meantime, ongoing information about the competition and the Hudgin House submission will be available during the voting period on the National Trust’s website including a link to the project video.

The Hudgin Log House, at 191 Ostrander Point Road is situated in the Hudgin-Rose Nature Reserve owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada. The House is leased to South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) with its restoration managed by a SSJI sub-committee. The House achieved municipal heritage designation in 2011 due in part to its unusual cedar log construction.

Fund-raising is under way and restoration has started. The white cedar logs have been stabilized and re-chinked inside and out. Reproductions of the original windows have been constructed and installed on the main floor. A local carpenter continues with exterior door repairs, window installation on the upper floor and restoration of the gable ends.

President John Hirsch notes SSJI is grateful to all the donors and organizations whose generosity has allowed restoration to begin.

The restored House will offer a gathering place for school groups, community members, and environmentalists to learn about the South Shore’s biodiversity and unique history.

“It will be a place of stories – of historical use of the land, of sailing schooners crossing Lake Ontario, of Whip-poor-wills in the woods and of Blanding’s Turtles in the swamps. It will be an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone,” said Hirsch. “We are so excited about this opportunity to achieve full funding of the Hudgin House restoration and are grateful to the National Trust and Ecclesiastical Insurance for selecting the Hudgin House for the competition.”

SSJI encourages everyone in Prince Edward County to vote for the Hudgin House online starting Jan. 20. Links will be posted here, on social media, the SSJI web site and all communications.

The South Shore Joint Initiative is led by a mission to educate and advocate for the protection, preservation and restoration of South Shore lands and near shore waters. Its vision is a permanently-protected Prince Edward County South Shore where together biodiversity and people thrive. Find out more at



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  1. Marilyn Layman says:

    I vote for the Hudgin-Log-house

    I spend many summers in the county around bondgards corner

  2. Cheryl Anderson says:

    Everyone is invited to join us at the Hudgin House 191 Ostrander Point Rd on Friday Jan 20 at 2 pm. Mayor Ferguson will do the first ceremonial vote for the Hudgin House to win $50,000. We are encouraging everyone to vote daily from Jan 20 to February 22.

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