Administrator | Jan 01, 2011 | Comments 0
Admission was free of charge at the Prince Edward Curling Club last week following an invitation for families to learn about rocks and hacks and more.
Although curling is a competitive and strategic game, 97% of all Canadian curlers play for fun and recreation — so don’t feel intimidated. There are leagues for new curlers and support to help you become a more accomplished curler. Curling does not involve costly equipment purchases. Warm clothing that allows freedom of movement, a pair of curling shoes (one sliding foot, plus a gripper foot), and a brush/broom are the only requirements. Even these investments are not obligatory, as most clubs will have slip-on sliders, grippers and brushes available.
Leagues restart the week of January 2, 2011
Monday 7PM – Mens League
Tuesday 7PM – Ladies League
Wednesday 7PM – Mixed Draw
Thursday 6:30 and 9PM – Open League
Friday 6:30PM – Mixed
January 15/16, the club is hosting its annual Sportsman bonspiel attended by teams from as far away as Toronto.
January 21 to 23rd, will see the hosting of the final of an Ontario Curling Association event, the Best Western Challenge. This event will have teams from across Ontario competing for the title. Teams have to win their way through district and regional qualifying tournaments to get to the final, so we do see some very good curling by the ladies in this event.
For more information on the Prince Edward Curling Club visit
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