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Hydro rates keep on rising

balanceWith the release of the Long Term Energy Plan on Monday, Minister Bob Chiarelli confirmed what many had suspected – Ontarians will be paying more.

Hydro rates are expected to increase by nearly 50 per cent over the next five years, assuming the Ontario Clean Energy 10 per cent benefit ends as scheduled in 2016.

A forecast indicates a customer who pays $125 now will pay $137 in 2014; $145 in 2015; $167 in 2016 and $210 by 2032.

Chiarelli said “significant ratepayer savings will be realized as a result of reduced feed-in-tarrif prices, the ability to dispatch wind generation, the amended (Samsung) agreement and the decision to defer new nuclear.”

The energy plan emphasizes conservation and offers a thin plan to help people make their homes more efficient.

Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Todd Smith said that increasing hydro rates was already the number one constituency concern at his office.

“We did a telephone town hall in September with over 8,000 residents of the riding and the increase in hydro rates was the number one concern that my constituents raised.” Smith said. “In terms of calls that my staff in Belleville deal with, hydro rates are far and away the most pressing issue.”

Smith said “the additional costs aren’t that hard to understand, they’re just paying for Liberal energy failures.  The Global Adjustment appears on hydro bills today because of the Green Energy Act, the Oakville and Mississauga power plant cancellations are already being paid for by the ratepayers through rate increases. The Liberals screw up and then they send Ontarians the bill.”

The Conservative Party advocates nuclear and hydroelectricity calling those avenues cheaper and more reliable than wind and solar. By last week, 75 municipalities (including PEC) have declared themselves “unwilling hosts” to industrial wind turbines.

The government plan “encourages conservation and provides the clean, reliable and affordable energy Ontario will need now and into the future,” the government states.

“This plan reflects what we heard from thousands of people and dozens of organizations right across the province. Our vision for Ontario is to create a clean, affordable and reliable energy system that focuses on conservation and addresses regional needs,” said Chiarelli in a statement.

“Compared to the previous plan, ‘Achieving Balance’ is expected to reduce projected cost increases by $16 billion in the near term (2013-2017), and $70 billion to 2030. These cost reductions will be realized even as Ontario keeps its commitment to phase out the last of its coal-fired generation by the end of 2014.”

Chiarelli said demand for electricity has declined due to reductions by users, changes to the industrial manufacturing sectors and conservation programs.

“We’ve lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs in 10 years,” said Smith. “When you increase the rates on the guys who need the power most, they’re going to look for somewhere that it’s less expensive to do business. For this government, job losses are an energy conservation strategy.

“I’ve got a great staff; they’ll deal with the calls,” Smith said. “But my constituents deserve a hydro bill that’s less than a mortgage payment.”

The plan:

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  1. Mark says:

    There are no political clean hands in this energy mess. The single biggest contributor was the Conservatives deregulation of Ontario Hydro. They sold us out and the next party sold us to so called green foreign companies. And you wonder why there is no trust for any of them.

  2. Doris Lane says:

    Chris of course you are correct but it is amazing how few people know these facts. live in Picton where the water rates are exorbitant and the water is not fit to drink, not even fit to bathe in. Add the hydro bill plus the
    water bill and forget about eating

  3. kjb says:

    Does anyone realize that the cost of full-day kindergarten will be 1.5 billion a year, which is roughly equal to a gas plant and a half, year after year. As reported to November 30th Globe and Mail.

    The Globe also reports that the full research about this venture is finally in, but we have not heard about it, because the results are terrible.

    The Globe reports the kids for “low needs” schoold often did worse, but on the positive side kids from “high needs” did better in a few areas. In fact, “on several measures,” the non-full-day kindergarten programs were associaed with more positive outcome”…Special-education kids also did better in non-full-day kindergarten programs. For most children, it made no difference one way or another.

    The article in Saturdays’s Globe (under GlobeFocus) is particularly interesting as it highlights the problems full-day-kindergarten has created.

  4. Chris Keen says:

    Bob Chiarelli’s latest excuse for the mess our electrical system is in? – Mike Harris who apparently created an “energy deficit!!

    Of course, it was many years after Harris’ departure before the Liberals finally did anything about the so-called deficit and, as a result, electricity rates are expected to rise 42% over the next five years; 54% over the next ten years; 68% over the next 20 years. A job well done according to Chiarelli.

    These increases couldn’t have anything to do with the cancellation of two gas-fired power plants in the GTA to save Liberal seats at a cost of over $1 billion?

    These increases couldn’t have anything to do with the $1.2 billion we paid to export excess power last year?

    These increases couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the cost of subsidizing Industrial Wind Turbines which produce less than one percent of our power – at hugely inflated prices – built largely in non-Liberal ridings?

    Of course not!! It’s Mike Harris’ fault.

    How Chiarelli can say this with a straight face is beyond me. He should resign.

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