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Hydro work could begin at Ostrander wind site by month end

County wind concerns groups are investigating unconfirmed reports that Hydro One will begin work on transmission lines by the end of February at the site of the Gilead Power Project at Ostrander Point.

The report states distribution lines capable of handling 44 KVs are required, with poles that reach 60 to 80 feet. Due to the size of the cable, these poles are to be installed closer together than normal.

Gilead Power Corporation proposes to construct nine 135-metre high industrial wind turbines with a maximum power capacity of 22.5 MW,  plus a 5.4 km heavy-load access road, on Crown Land in the middle of Prince Edward County’s South Shore Important Bird Area (IBA).  Gilead is in the later stages of the province’s Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process, but has not yet received any final approvals for the project.
The Ministry of Environment listed the project on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry on Nov. 30 with comments from the public being accepted up to Feb 19.

Wind concerns sources are also investigating information that no agreement has been made between Gilead and the White Pines project to share the poles. With no agreement, should the White Pine project receive its approvals, it would have to contract to have its own poles installed, resulting in poles located on both sides of the road.


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  1. Renee says:

    You could try contacting to see if he can confirm this is WPD doing the work.

  2. Chris Keen says:

    There is a report in the “Wellington Times” today that WPD has started clearing land for road modifications for its proposed project near Milford.

    WPD is clearly going through the motions with its public meeting in late March. That it has started work before this meeting, and before the project has received approval, just shows the utter contempt these IWT companies have for the process and for the people of the County.

    I wonder if Mayor Mertens and Council are checking to determine if the work is legal or that it is NOT taking place on County road allowances?

  3. David Norman says:

    I just saw a news report that Anne Murray is not happy with an Industrial Wind Turbine development near her Nova Scotia summer home. But she can warn all the birds and bats by singing, “spread your tiny wings and fly away”.

  4. Doris Lane says:

    Click on Gary Mooney’s link and be sure to read the comments section
    Hydro One is building a transmission line from the Bruce plant t0 Orangeville and there is a space where Samsung is going to put IWT’s
    Probably Hydro One is getting ready to hook up the White pines.turbines

    I doubt that we can win the war against Hydro one and McSquinty(as he was called in one comment).

  5. Gary Mooney says:

    I’m sitting here thinking .. I wonder if there are Hydro One horror stories out there? And this link pops up on my Twitter feed five minutes later:

    Hydro One is a law unto itself.

  6. Mark says:

    Well Robert I agree that consultation is a good thing when used properly. If Hydro work is to begin soon then the public consultation process has not been used properly as the deadline for submissions to the Ministry has not ended. Was this process just a scam? Was the industrial wind turbines a done deal from day one driven by millions in subsisdies payed for by the taxpayer? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if a referendum was held in the County on the issue a sizeable majority would turn it down. County folk understand the issues and are not the easy targets that the County Sustainabilty Group has labeled us. We need to stand up to this challenge on our democratic rights and local decision making.

  7. David Norman says:

    Hey Robert
    “Seems like fist waving has an effect on the process”… one can only hope ROFLMAO. Snowing here in PEC, how about in Lanark?

  8. Robert Cassell says:

    Glad to see that the turbine construction will finally begin. Consultation is a good thing when used properly. I believe a lot of outsiders have tried to influence (adversely) the project. Seems like fist waving has an effect on the process. LOL.

  9. David Norman says:

    @ Chris Keen
    Dear Chris, thank you for providing the link to the article, Location, Location, Location … Migration, Migration, Migration by Wayne Wegner. The misgivings I had on my anti-IWT stance were shattered by this article, the most comprehensive and insightful treatise that I have had the pleasure to encounter. If a person can read this and not be changed then they are truly my foe, a threat to my survival and my willingness to survive, and I will engage them as such. Let us not settle for the prevention of this IWT development, let us go further and dismantle these hideous crucifixes on Wolfe Island and beyond.

  10. Gary Mooney says:

    It’s odd that Hydro One and Gilead agreed to start construction of the high voltage transmission line before REA approval of the project. Even more so, considering that Gilead has stated that they have planned for construction of turbines starting in Oct, 2012 and commercial operation in Apr, 2013.

    Why do they want the transmission line in place more than a year in advance? What if the project is not approved?

    Could it be that “the fix is in” and REA approval will come soon nd Gilead’s timetable will be advanced? I wouldn’t bet against it.

  11. Chris Keen says:

    If you remain unconvinced that an industrial wind factory is not going to harm the environment around Ostrander Point, I urge you to read this article, written in 2009, by Wayne Wegner. Wegner has an Honours BSc in Environmental Science. It is an eye-opener.

  12. M Anderson says:

    We need to get 1,000 letters out to all MPPs before March 8th when Lisa Thompson is bringing a private Bill before the house.

    Please take one moment of your time and send a message:

  13. David Norman says:

    I urge all Prince Edward County residents who question or otherwise suspect the merits of Industrial Wind Turbine development to !RISE UP! Rise up and be heard. This prescribed fate is not inevitable and this presents the perfect time to act. As the great scientific theorist, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier testified to, ultimately with his own life at the quillotine, the elemental scientific nature of this truth shall be accepted and known. I for one will not stop my appeal for logical scientific vindication of this travesty foist upon me. For social justice I raise my fist in defiance of the threat, poised at de Lavoisier by his Judge and based on the deceit of an economic rival, that, “The Republic needs neither scientists nor chemists; the course of justice (GEA) cannot be delayed”.

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