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I have embraced the computer in the name of healthcare

Three weeks ago, after much soul searching, I made a decision to write a blog on healthcare for
You may wonder why this was such a major decision for me, but until nine months ago I was actually “computer illiterate” – a fact that I’m not especially proud of.
Many of you who know me realize that I am strongly passionate about our local hospital (PECMH) and the services that it provides. For that reason I started writing letters to the editors of the newspapers in the QHC catchment area in 2003. At that time the then Quinte Healthcare Board of Directors was considering cutting four services including the Lab from PECMH. I made a decision then to attend as many monthly QHC board meetings as possible and then inform the residents of Prince Edward County via the media of the possible changes at their local hospital. The stakeholders could then form their own opinion.
I was always cognizant of the fact that there was very little transportation for seniors or those without vehicles if they had to travel to Belleville or Trenton for services. I must add that the editors of all the local newspapers were extremely supportive. Communication between QHC administration and the stakeholders in Prince Edward County also improved dramatically with the addition of Director of Communications Susan Rowe and CEO Mary Clare Egberts. Some of us are not always on the same page as QHC but I commend them for their much improved communication.

Sue Capon, editor of asked me a few months ago if I would consider writing a blog on healthcare. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make that commitment but have been so impressed with the quality of this amazing online paper that I decided to take the plunge. Sue and co-owner Amber Martin started one year ago and have never looked back. My observation is that Sue (fomerly an editor of two newspapers) and Amber (a graphic designer for newspapers) work very long hours to bring you the latest breaking news. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world you can go online to and see what is happening in Prince Edward County.They are both extremely helpful if you wish to post an article or an advertisement.
For someone like myself who is technically challenged, Sue and Amber, along with my husband Bill, have been a Godsend. One of the things I find most advantageous about is that you are not limited to 400 words as you are in the print media. For anyone who knows me they realize that is a “good thing”.

In my blog The Renoy Report, I will endeavour to report to you my perspective as to what is happening with healthcare both in Prince Edward County and across the province. From time to time you might see information on the PECMH Foundation and Auxiliary along with Hospice Prince Edward and Quinte Healthcare. Occasionally, I will provide you with information that comes from the Ontario Health Coalition (a watchdog for healthcare). I may also discuss items that have caught my interest whether it be Queen’s Park or Prince Edward County. You might see me out covering healthcare events for the Times(Wellington) or . For lack of a better title I am known as The CUB REPORTER. We all try to maintain a sense of humour with regard to my job description. My intent is to keep you informed to the best of my ability re: healthcare in Prince Edward County.
My hope is that you as residents and municipal leaders will become better informed and speak up and not be afraid to do so if you feel healthcare is threatened in this beautiful County.


Filed Under: Uncategorized

About the Author: Fran Renoy has lived in the County for forty years so considers herself almost a native. Both she and her husband Bill consider themselves very fortunate to live in beautiful Prince Edward County. She worked at PECM hospital for thirty years as a x-ray technologist,retiring in 1998.She has a very strong passion for her local hospital and encourages others to speak up and not be afraid to do so if they feel that services are being eroded.

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  1. Doris Lane says:

    I missed the artlcle above for a few days but I am certainly glad that you took the position of writing the blog. I have followed your articles in the newspapers with great interest. I agree with you that Sue and Amber are doing a wonderful job of bringing the news to the people of the County and the same day that things happen, not the next week. Because I put comments from time to time on County Live, I know a lot of people read it because they tell me they read my comments. Even though many of the readers never comment they are reading County Live and that is a good thing

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